Topic: Succesful Cutenews URL Mod Rewrite

Hello, I have done the url mod rewrite with cutenews following the second method in this topic : . All things work fine, but the RSS Feed don't have the same link and it gives me Cannot find article with ID. I tried to solve the problem by modifiying the show_inc and the rss.php files but nothing. Anyone can help me please? Thanks in advance.

Re: Succesful Cutenews URL Mod Rewrite

Dear User!

Please insert after the lines

$htaccess = "RewriteEngine On\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteBase ".$path."\n\n";

the following code:

$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^subaction=showfull&id=(.*)$ ".$script_file."?subaction=showfull&url=$1 [L,NC]\n";
Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Succesful Cutenews URL Mod Rewrite

Hello, It doesn't work. The RSS Flux is showing the same old urls which give me the Cannot find article with ID. Here's my website :

Thanks in advance.

Re: Succesful Cutenews URL Mod Rewrite

Can you help me please?

Re: Succesful Cutenews URL Mod Rewrite

Can you help me please?

Following the link to your web site we weren't able to find out your problem.
What version of CuteNews do you use?

Best regards,
CN Support team