1 (edited by 2012-08-29 14:21:13)

Topic: PREVIOUS pagination link not working?

The NEXT pagination link works fine, but the PREVIOUS link does not?

When the PREVIOUS is clicked it takes me to the 404 page and the URL is http://www.estuaryltd.com/blog.php&

This only happens when on PAGE 2 and wanting to go back to PAGE 1 using the Previous button.   Page 3 to PAGE 2, the previous button is ok...
???? Please help ;-)

Please see at:

***** SORRY - FIXED IT ****
Amended line 836 of shows.inc.php to remove the & from  "&$user_query\">\\1</a> "  SEEMS TO WORK ;-)

Re: PREVIOUS pagination link not working?

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CN Support team