Topic: Captcha not Recognised

I have installed the latest version of CuteNews (1.5.3), and think it is a very nice program. 

However currently when adding comments to a post the program fails to recognise the Captcha word giving the user the words "Wrong captcha! Refresh" on a new page.  Clicking refresh gives a message box from Firefox saying that you need to resend the data.  The only way to get back to the Comments page is to use the back button.

Interestingly if you do not enter anything in the Captcha box but just fill in the comments box and click Add Comment, the comment gets added to the news post.

So I have a problem:

1.  The Captcha box is on the page but is not working as it should.

I haven't tried using Captcha anywhere else (new users etc) so can't comment if the behavior is the same.

Any thoughts, or is this how it is supposed to work ????


2 (edited by 2013-03-26 09:58:13)

Re: Captcha not Recognised

This problem is annoying me...  I have looked at the code and as a Noob am happy to be corrected.......

The piece of code in "core/com/allow_add_comment.php" that I think checks the generated Captcha word against the user entered word is

if ($captcha != $_SESS['CSW'] && $config_use_captcha && $captcha_enabled)
        echo '<div class="blocking_posting_comment">'.lang('Wrong captcha').'! &#039;.lang(&#039;Refresh&#039;).&#039;</div>';
        add_to_log($ip, 'Attack to captcha');
        return FALSE;

$captcha holds the user input, $config_use_captcha and $captcha_enabled both hold values of 1.

I think this "$_SESS['CSW']" is the variable that holds the machine generated Captcha word, however when it gets here it doesn't contain anything (I think), hence it can only match the user entered Captcha if the user doesn't enter a value.  Where did it get lost ??

Thoughts, assistance, more code ?????

Re: Captcha not Recognised

I have checked the solution suggested by NewsMedia :

"Have you checked that your hosting company has enabled gd on their server? Without it most captcha systems will not work.
To check if it is enabled, create a new info.php file, insert the code:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
save it to your server and then open it with your browser. Look through the displayed php information for a section entitled gd"

My server has GD enabled so back to the code or the cookies question.

Re: Captcha not Recognised

Anybody got any suggestions to resolve the Captcha issue (ie it doesn't appear to work) in 1.5.3 maybe Wordpress, Flatpress will solve it ?

Re: Captcha not Recognised

I have the same problem. Is there any solution?