Topic: Import RSS feed

Hi all

I have seen this hack for an older version of CuteNews, and was just wondering if anyone has a guide to installing it onto the latest version of the system?

It looks a really useful tool for having new content when there is no-one around to update or add stories etc...

If anyone can help / advise, that would really be appreciated.


Re: Import RSS feed

Hiya everyone.

Just wondering if anyone had anything to add on this? Has anyone found out how to install it on the latest version of the system?


Re: Import RSS feed

We've added the plugin for importing RSS, please check it here

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Import RSS feed

We've added the plugin for importing RSS, please check it here

How can I install it?

Re: Import RSS feed

Download the plugin and unzip the file in ./cdata/plugins

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Import RSS feed

Download the plugin and unzip the file in ./cdata/plugins

than what I have to do?

Re: Import RSS feed

Thanks guys. Just installed and working like a treat!

Re: Import RSS feed

Could you explain me what I have to do once I downloaded the plugin and unziped the file in ./cdata/plugins , please? Thanx

Re: Import RSS feed

I too don't understand something as to use this plug-in
I downloaded, unzip in / cdata/plugins/
What to do is farther? How to adjust it? How to import news?
No new links in Dashboard appeared
In the section "Plugins" remove plugin is possible only

Re: Import RSS feed

same problem.

once the plugin is installed, how to import RSS feed ?

Thanks you for your help.

Re: Import RSS feed

Anyone figure this out?

I installed CuteNews 1.5.3 and it still doesn't work.  Any ideas?
