1 (edited by 2015-08-13 14:20:19)

Topic: Full Story Pop-up Template

I have installed version 2.0.3. It looks like if you choose to pop-up a new window for the full story (via the configuration options in the setup), it's going through the print.php file to display the contents. But it looks like the formatting is hardcoded in the file itself for the full story. Why is there no template for that? You have a template for the print option. There should be one for the pop-up of the full story.

Here's the print.php file. Notice that if you're using it as a pop-up, the html and css are hardcoded. But if you don't use it as a pop-up, then you get access to the template for print.

    if ($popup)
        echo "<html><head><style>
                body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
                body, td
                    font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;
                    color: black;
                    font-size: 12px;
                    font-weight: normal;
                    line-height: 1.3em;
                input { border-radius: 3px; }
                input.text { background: #ffffff; border: 1px solid gray; }
                input.submit { background: #f0f0f0; border: 1px groove #808080; }
                input.submit:hover { background: #ffffff; cursor: pointer; }
                .cn_comm_textarea { width: 450px; height: 150px; }
        if ($popup == 'comment') $subaction = 'only_comments';
        include SERVDIR . '/show_news.php';
        echo "</body></html>";
        echo entry_make($ent[$id], 'print', $template);

I'm looking for this file to do something like this instead.

    if ($popup)
        echo entry_make($ent[$id], 'popupFullStory', $template);
        echo entry_make($ent[$id], 'print', $template);

In all reality, this should be it's own separate file and not go through a print.php file to show the full story in a new window. Popping up a new window to display the full story is a separate function than the print function. If you want to get fancy, perhaps you can even implement an on page pop-up (like how bootstrap does it), so it's not a new window, it just looks like a new window but it's part of the same page. 

But what I am requesting is a way to modify the  full story look and feel when it's a pop-up.

Can you please implement a template for the full story pop-up and let me know when you expect it will be done? If not, can you please tell me why it is not possible?

Thank you for your consideration!

Re: Full Story Pop-up Template

I guess no one on the team actually reads this.. I would have hoped for some response, even a "we're looking into it to see if it's possible" to know that someone acknowledged this.