Topic: The links in RSS-feed don't work


I am workling with CuteNews and it works quite fine, except the RSS-Feed.

The link to my RRS-Feed is

When i click at the links in the RSS-feed, ther only comes a 404-error, instead of the full article

The integration in the normal site works find (see: )

The cutenews directory a subdirectory of the subdomains root-directory and the rss-templates look like this:

Active News:
<!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto--><item>
<guid isPermaLink="false">{news-id}</guid>

All other rss-templates are empty (whyever, because i didn't change anything there since i installed the script), but I don't know if it is ok like this.

Maybe somebody can help me with my problem. That would be really great!


Re: The links in RSS-feed don't work

the rss links work fine for me

Re: The links in RSS-feed don't work

Please specify where the route indicates in {rss-news-include-url}, it's possible that it's not installed or show the wrong route.

Best regards,
CN Support team