Topic: CKEditor

After purchased cutnews, when trying to posed a news, CKEditor is just a simple one without any options like tool bar and so on. I did check the box to use HTML, but still on luck. Any assistance is appreciated.

Re: CKEditor

Dear KEK,

This may be the case of the wrong settings. You can check them here: Dashboard -> System configuration -> Ckeditor,

row1: Source,Maximize,Scayt,PasteText,Undo,Redo,Find,Replace,-,SelectAll,RemoveFormat,NumberedList,BulletedList,Outdent,Indent
row2: Image,Table,HorizontalRule,Smiley
row3: Link,Unlink,Anchor
row4: Format,FontSize,TextColor,BGColor
row5: Bold,Italic,Underline,Strike,Blockquote
row6: JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyBlock

The user can add, change places of and delete listed parameters separated by commas.

Best regards,
CN Support team