I cant post because spam filter blocks what i wrote -.- wth... i didnt even post a single link in that text

I have the same problem with {avatar}. Propably it's a bug. I didn't see any solutions to it yet. Sorry to disappoint you. You are welcome to join my topic if you get any clue why. We can solve this together maybe.

I got some kind of answer from official support team. Maybe it helps you aswell.

Hello! The {avatar} placeholder must be implemented only in full-story or active news.

But when it comes to avatars, why let normal users have avatars if they can't be shown?

About your problem, {title} propably can't be used in news pagnation.

Well i guess this script and support forums are more or less dead. I got help from like 1 user only. That means there are not many ppl interested in it, not even the creators. As for them i think they moved to another project and left CN behind.

Fortunetly i gave myself a goal to make a website 100% based on CN as a way of learning PHP better. So propably i am going to be here a lot until i finish it. It will cotain CN with integrated forum board, loginbox, articles, more contents for users etc.
I can post it as an diffrent version of CN for free download, something familiar to difrences between PHP-Fusion and Extreme Fusion.

I think it's not the browsers fault, i use google chrome.


i noticed that anything i put in login panel changes it to "only logged in view" after pressing login even though i didnt fill the fields. However it does not login to the builtin CN panel. So i decided to privde you with all i have:

        if (isset($_COOKIE['session']) && $_COOKIE['session'])
        echo'<table width="325px" height="100px" cellspacing="12px" cellpadding="0px" style="border: 0px dashed white; margin: 2px; font-size: 11px;"><tr><td style="text-align: right; line-height: 20px;" width="118px">[url=n]Ustawienia Konta[/url]
[url=#">Strefa Użytkownika</a]Wyloguj[/url]
</td><td style="border-left: 1px dashed white; padding-left: 10px;">[img]gfx/ok.png[/img]
<span>[img]gfx/q.png[/img] $num = Rand (1,7); 
 switch ($num)
 case 1:
 echo "Logowanie jest w fazie beta i nie działa prawidłowo.";
 case 2:
 echo "Niektóre strony nie ładują się jeszcze poprawnie.";
 case 3:
 echo "Niektóre podstrony jeszcze nie istnieją w naszym systemie.";
 case 4:
 echo "Wejdź w edycje profilu aby zmienić hasło lub ustawić sobie awatar.";
 case 5:
 echo "W dziale [url=c]kontakt[/url] jest formularz do kontaktu przez który można zgłaszać feedback.";
 case 6:
 echo "Dokładnie zapoznaj się z [url=r]regulaminem[/url] zanim zaczniesz korzystać z serwisu.";
 case 7:
 echo "W strefie użytkownika znajdziesz specjalne materiały autorstwa grafika.cba.pl tylko dla tych którzy mają u nas konto.";
echo'<table height="20px" style="margin-top:10px;" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" border="0px"><tr valign="baseline"><td><form action="news.php" method="post"><input type="text" name="username" class="undertext">
<input type="password" name="password" class="undertext"></td><td style="padding: 5px; line-height: 22px;">[url=r]Zgubione hasło?[/url]
[url=r]Zarejestruj siÄ™[/url]</td></tr>
        <tr><td colspan="2">
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="dologin">
        <input type="submit" class="buttonx" value="Login"></form>


Please somebody tell me where am i making a mistake, what am i not seeing?

I did, when i close the browser i get the login form again. But if i don't i am forever logged in.
Now i even made my own logout, here is the code. Both CN logout and my are not working to solve this.

header("Location: /index.php");

Hi again
this time i have an another problem. I turned on avatar and did set one for myself to test this out. But when i edit a template via the panel that is provided in the script i get many weird effects.

For example, when i add {avatar} in comments it shows just a text saying "{avatar}". But when i add to active news the text is not shown, neither is the avatar, i do not even get a blank space or a broken image icon.

Any ideas on why is this happening? I am using the latest CN version.

Sorry, now after posting, i noticed that there is a pinned bug report topic.

yes i do, does not work for me :S any clue why?

After making few tests today i think it works, but not the way i wish it would. It is missing one part i guess. At the moment when i login i get the content for users only, but when i logout the content is still visible. How to make the content go back to the old way? So when i logout i see again my login panel?

Hi, i have a solution for one of your problems, but i am currently working on it myself aswell so i cant help you much. For login panel i use this:

    echo'<form action="news.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="username" class="undertext">   [url=r]Zgubione hasÅ‚o?[/url]
 <input type="password" name="password" class="undertext">   [url=r]Zarejestruj siÄ™[/url]

<input type="hidden" name="action" value="dologin">
<input type="submit" class="buttonx" value="Login"></form>';

Sorry for the polish language but i am to lazy to translate, anyway its easy to figure out. Just change the action from news.php to your index of CN installation. Unfortunetly this loginbox does not include yet a loop that would show login for unlogged and other content like logout for logged in users. If you are interested in it you are welcome to look at my other topic where i look for the answer.

Thanks for replying, unfortunetly your code does not work hmm
This is how its displaying

                  if (isset($_COOKIE['session']) && $_COOKIE['session'])
is always shown
is never shown

i may add that i am modificating CN so index isnt the main page, its news.php
you may see my webpage here Grafika.cba.pl, its in polish like some of the CN i maintained to translate. I am working now on the login box on the top, so login is shown when someone is not logged in, and if someone is logged they have a logout button + some other links.

i am having trouble with a simple thing, basicly i want some content on my site that will work like this

if (verify if user logged in on CN){
Display things visible only for logged in
Display things visible only for not logged in

I was looking at some loginboxes etc that will have this loop, but propably i am to dumb in php to see it

Please help me with this one
thank you

i am using Cute News on a website that is written in polish. When i go to admin panel and add polish letter in template editing they save, but when i try to open it and change something again i get a blank input field. Maybe you know a soultion for this or you could tell me where is the file with add comment form to edit manualy. Thanks

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