I'm sorry for DP BUT I just tried to update my CN with the files from github and it still doesn't work.

The url "/index.php?ucat=..." simply doesn't work for me, anyone know how to fix it, please?

Do you mean this?



Well, I don't know how to call this, but here is what's happening to me with cn 1.5.3:

When I'm browsing an individual category (ex: /index.php?cid=20) and trying to get on the another page it generates this url "/index.php?start_from=5&ucat=20," but it suddenly shows all articles instead of just the articles that are in the choosen category. But when I rewrite the url to "/index.php?start_from=5&cid=20" it works fine.

So what should I do? It's something wrong with the categories or the pagination?