Thread to close - I already managed to do it

How to display tagline in keywords and page alias in canonical url?

<meta name="keywords" content=" here {tagline} ">
<link rel="canonical" href="https://<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?>/ here {page_alias} " >

I have ten same problem. Any ideas?

How to change the news.php?id=1 on news.html?id=1?


What you need to copy when moving Cutenews?
I would like to have the news that have been and my templates.

ver. 2.0.2

Best regards

Why {title} does not work in "Edit Template Parts" in the "News Pagination"?
With additional fields in the "News Pagination" is like that.

I downloaded the templates, news.txt and file with the categories. Then I threw 1.5.3 and swapped files.


Of course it all depends on whether you have a few templates, etc.
Overall, I changed all the files where I changed something.
It's just my way. I advise you to make a backup CuteNews 1.4.6.


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

1.5.3 - "Edit News" --> You select "tickbox" the news --> Going down: "With selected: Change Date"

1.4.6 - You need to download CuteNews DateEditor

@Mattt07 - You have no problem with flipping the server - the computer?
In DirectAdmin news.txt long file opens.
In CuteNews Admin also have written that used up 100%? (Version 1.5.3)

It can not be split into several files news.txt, news2.txt etc?

When you type in Edit News (show options, news per page) Showing 527 articles from total 527;
Shows me: {if $ entries_showed} at the beginning and at the end {/ if} {if! $ Entries_showed} and yet it {/ if }

Is using CuteNews with more than 500 news a good idea?
What do you advise?

It is a pity that you can not choose between TXT and MySQL.

News.txt a few other files?

After the line

    $tpl = preg_replace('~\%\w+~', '0', $tpl);

in the file core/core.php add the line

foreach ($adds as $id => $v) if (in_array($id, array('title'))) unset($adds[$id]);

You can instead of array('title') write array('ucat', 'title') to exclude ucat. This is a hack and it will be changed when the file core.php updates.

1. Files in /CuteNews moved to the root directory (/cn_friendly_url.php and .htaccess)

2. I changed the path in the main/options/Rewrite Manager

3. I changed the file core.php:

if (count($adds)) $tpl .= ''.implode(($html?'':''));

It is almost ok :-)

How to make the order for each category, for example, instead of /news/view was /gallery/view

News, category 8:
/news/view/&id -> opens the index.php

Gallery, category 9:
/gallery/view/&id -> opens to the gallery.php

Video, category 10:
/video/view/&id -> opens to the video.php

Category 8, News:

.htaccess path: /home/my_login/domains/my_domain/public_html/.htaccess

Read Full Story: /news/view/%id, /index.php?subaction=showfull

Archive ID: /news/archive/%archive, /index.php?subaction=list-archive

Comment: /news/view/%id/comments, /index.php?subaction=showcomments

News pagination: /news/view/%start_from, /index.php

Comment pagination: /news/view/%id/comments/%comm_start_from, /index.php?subaction=showcomments

Read Full Story archive: /news/view/%archive/%id, /index.php?subaction=showfull

Archive comment: /news/view/%archive/%id/comments, /index.php?subaction=showcomments

Archive comment pagination: /news/view/archiwe/%archive/%id/comments/%comm_start_from, /index.php?subaction=showcomments

Category 9, Gallery:

.htaccess path: /home/my_login/domains/my_domain/public_html/.htaccess

Read Full Story: /gallery/view/%id, /gallery.php?subaction=showfull

Archive ID: /gallery/archive/%archive, /gallery.php?subaction=list-archive

Comment: /gallery/view/%id/comments, /gallery.php?subaction=showcomments

News pagination: /gallery/view/%start_from, /gallery.php

Comment pagination: /gallery/view/%id/comments/%comm_start_from, /gallery.php?subaction=showcomments

Read Full Story archive: /gallery/view/%archive/%id, /gallery.php?subaction=showfull

Archive comment: /gallery/view/%archive/%id/comments, /gallery.php?subaction=showcomments

Archive comment pagination: /gallery/view/archiwe/%archive/%id/comments/%comm_start_from, /gallery.php?subaction=showcomments

Category 10, Video:

.htaccess path: /home/my_login/domains/my_domain/public_html/.htaccess

Read Full Story: /video/view/%id, /video.php?subaction=showfull

Archive ID: /video/archive/%archive, /video.php?subaction=list-archive

Comment: /video/view/%id/comments, /video.php?subaction=showcomments

News pagination: /video/view/%start_from, /video.php

Comment pagination: /video/view/%id/comments/%comm_start_from, /video.php?subaction=showcomments

Read Full Story archive: /video/view/%archive/%id, /video.php?subaction=showfull

Archive comment: /video/view/%archive/%id/comments, /video.php?subaction=showcomments

Archive comment pagination: /video/view/archiwe/%archive/%id/comments/%comm_start_from, /video.php?subaction=showcomments

I'm talking about Polish characters. To the web address "Å›" changed over "s".

News title: "jakiÅ› tam tekst"

I have this:

ウ = ś

and it should be:

Do you use plugin or URL Rewrite?

Yes, I use.

I can also change the titles of Polish characters?
Now in their place I see: ウ.
Ä™ --> e
ó --> o
Ä… --> a
Å› --> s
Å‚ --> l
ż --> z
ź --> z
ć --> c
Å„ --> n
I set the Encoding: iso-8859-2.

Or, to make it the same id news.

I have this:

and it should be:

CuteNews I have a folder /cms  --> /public_html/cms
I display the news /index.php --> /public_html/index.php instead /public_html/cms/example2.php

In URL Rewrite Manager
.htaccess path changed on: /public_html/.htaccess

File cn_friendly_url.php moved to /public_html/

I set in panel Cutenews --> URL Rewrite Manager

/news/view/%id  -->  /index.php?subaction=showfull

I deleted &title and I have something like this:

How to make it do so:

Does it work?

I have over 500 records (news) in the file news.txt. Please help me .

Is there a hack to news have been added to the mysql database?

I have over 500 news news.txt file and it is difficult to manually edit anything. Long opens and saves.

No one can help me?

Please help

Thanks a lot. It was enough to add:

$PHP_SELF = "news.php";

include ("/home/your_login_ftp/domains/your_domain/public_html/CuteNews/show_news.php");

As you enter your data should be ok

your_domain - example:


include ("./CuteNews/show_news.php");

How to change the path in the URL rewrite manager?

All cms is in the folder /CuteNewe

Messages displayed on the site /index.php

I can also change the titles of Polish characters?
Now in their place I see: ウ.
Ä™ --> e
ó --> o
Ä… --> a
Å› --> s
Å‚ --> l
ż --> z
ź --> z
ć --> c
Å„ --> n
I set the Encoding: iso-8859-2.

Or, to make it the same id news.

How to modify the file show_news.php and /inc/ and lead to links on the page index.php open to the news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1368553200&ucat=8&

index.php titles refer to news.php?...

Please help

Hi everyone,

What do you do in this situation?
Need to change the CHMOD?

I set the address to the folder cutenews2 (Full URL to CuteNews directory).

I can not use CKEditor.

I also added an extra field for test "zx" (Additional fields). I added to the template {zx}.
If you do not type in "Add news" in the field of x to see the message on the {zx}.
Do not be seen only when I type something in the zx?
What is it that you are using 100%? Is my situation is safe?
Could it be that it is 100%?

Sorry for my english.

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