The line of code that Ipstenu suggested fixes the problem except for the fact that it casues CuteNews to autoarchive every time there is more than 1 post. Instead of using the code he wrote, use the one below, it is exactly the same except a >= was changed to >.

if ( ($now[year] > (int)$last_archived[year]) or ($now[year] == (int)$last_archived[year] and $now[month] > (int)$last_archived[month]) ) {

Omg, i cant use the new hack cos im still using C.N. 1.3.6, but having the autoarchive, that's happen to me too: everytime i have news, they are autoarchived. lol
And i cant even un-archive the news
The only thing i can do, is to manually move news from archives to archives...and this sucks

This is my autoarchive.php

error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$cutepath =  __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'\\\auto_archive\.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/auto_archive\.php'", "", $cutepath);
$now[year]    = date("Y");
$now[month]    = date("n");
$now[stamp] = $now[year] + $now[month];
$db_content = file("$cutepath/auto_archive.db.php");
list($last_archived[year], $last_archived[month]) = split("\|", $db_content[0] );
$last_archived[stamp] = $last_archived[year] + $last_archived[month];
if($now[stamp] > $last_archived[stamp]){
$error = FALSE;
$arch_name = time();
if(!@copy("$cutepath/data/news.txt","$cutepath/data/archives/$"))          { $error = "Can not copy news.txt"; }
if(!@copy("$cutepath/data/comments.txt","$cutepath/data/archives/$arch_name.comments.arch"))  { $error = "Can not copy comments.txt"; }
$handle = fopen("$cutepath/data/news.txt","w") or $error = "Can not open news.txt";
$handle = fopen("$cutepath/data/comments.txt","w") or $error = "Can not open comments.txt";
$fp = @fopen("$cutepath/auto_archive.db.php", "w");
if(!$errors){ fwrite($fp, $now[year]."|".$now[month]."\n"); }
else{ fwrite($fp, "0|0|$error\n"); }
foreach($db_content as $line){
@fwrite($fp, $line);

And this is my autoarchive.db.php

and this is how is show the archive news:
My Webpage

But still not working...why news are archived in December-February2006?

The feature this fix is for.. does not come with cutenews 1.3.6 only comes in 1.4.0+

the link i believe has been deleted... well the post anyway.

Omg..pls..pls..pls...pls...anyone can help a poor user???  still using 1.3.6?

The Link is broken...

and what about CN 1.3.6 users????
Where can we fix this bug???