I do not know what I'm doing wrong, but I do not get Facebook app to work. I have written in the correct Facebook appID, but I still do not app to work. Is there anything I missed?
In previous versions out CuteNews so has Facebook application worked just fine anywhere. But the update does not work on all. I do not even get the "Like" feature, though I have been told that I want it enabled.

Is it so that I may have missed that ticked something in or under the "General" tab in the System Configuration? I think I have checked and checked, but from how I behave so I do not get Facebook app to work.

So my question is, what have I missed?

Well I've just installed the latest version of the CuteNews. And everything has gone really well. But I have seen that I have no news pagination tallest bottom of the page.

For example; << Previous 1 2 3 Next >>

I've tried to put six posts to the test to see if the news pagination would come up. And I've checked the "Options - System configurations" to see where there is any function that allows me to put on the news Pagination. But I can not find anything. What have I missed? hmm

So if there is anyone who knows where I should do to get my news agination it would be worth gold.
Thank you very much in advance.

It fixed itself out of itself, I noticed. After the sixth post so did pagination popped up . So now everything is hunky-dory.
But thanks so much for your attention.


(17 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

I borrow the thread a bit. But where can i find these plugins?


(3 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

I have just tested this in my 1.5.0 installation and pictures are centered without any problems when using WYSIWYG editor.

I tried to uninstall it and then install it again. And then it works as it should. So it was a bit strange.


(3 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

A short question.

Is it more than me who do not get the picture centered when using out WYSIWYG editor in the latest update of CuteNews 1.5.0?
Now I know that last CuteNews is a Beta version. It's a little bit irreterande that i can not get the images centered with WYSIWYG editor.

Must say I've tried both with Internet Exploerer 9 and latest Chrome with the same negative results.

Try this:

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

// If it is set to FALSE, the categories wont be displayed
// after a visitor click some category to see the news from it
  $display_categories_when_showing_news = TRUE;
$display_news_under_list = FALSE;

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Main Part (Do not edit below)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$cutepath =  __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'list_cats.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/list_cats.php'", "", $cutepath);


if(($show_cat != "" and $display_categories_when_showing_news == TRUE) or $show_cat == ""){
    $cat_lines = file("$cutepath/cdata/category.db.php") or die("Can not open $cutepath/data/category.db.php");
    foreach($cat_lines as $cat_line){
        $cat_arr = explode("|", $cat_line);
        echo "[url=]{$cat_arr[1]}[/url]
if(isset($_GET['show_cat']) && preg_match('/^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,}$/', $_GET['show_cat'] && $display_news_under_list)){
    $category = $show_cat;

Thank you so much. Works just fine. Now I'm happy.
Well, I was thinking to hear if there was anyone here who could help me with something.

I have updated to CuteNews 1.5.0 and before that, I had a script that I had found here that shows what my categories was (see picture above). But then, in that I updated to the latest edition or version of the CuteNews so didn't  the script not work anymore.

So I was thinking if there is anyone who knows what i will changes so i get the script to work again with CuteNews 1.5.0.

The actual scripet is as follows:

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

// If it is set to FALSE, the categories wont be displayed
// after a visitor click some category to see the news from it
  $display_categories_when_showing_news = TRUE;
 $display_news_under_list = FALSE;

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Main Part (Do not edit below)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$cutepath =  __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'list_cats.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/list_cats.php'", "", $cutepath);


if(($show_cat != "" and $display_categories_when_showing_news == TRUE) or $show_cat == ""){
    $cat_lines = file("$cutepath/data/category.db.php") or die("Can not open $cutepath/data/category.db.php");
    foreach($cat_lines as $cat_line){
        $cat_arr = explode("|", $cat_line);
        echo "[url=?show_cat={$cat_arr[0]}]{$cat_arr[1]}[/url]
if(isset($_GET['show_cat']) && preg_match('/^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,}$/', $_GET['show_cat'] && $display_news_under_list)){
    $category = $show_cat;

Would really appreciate if there was anyone who could help me with this.
Thanks so much in advance.

/ Jörgen Lindström, Sweden.

The little that I know, so it must be something with the code "'list_cats.php" to do.
And it is there that I do not get it. For that I have seen, there is not "'list_cats.php" with the new updated CuteNews.

So my question is then, what should I replace "'list_cats.php" in order to get scripet work?

I do not want to be repetitive in any way.

js.src = "//";

But is there really no one knows where to find the bit of code in CuteNews ( see above ) ? I want so badly to be a Facebook app should work for me.

I have come so far that it is this code that is the problem to the whole.

js.src = "//";

That is the problem. So does anyone know where to find the bit of code in CuteNews?
Where is all the support when you need them? hmm

Nobody who knows? Because I surely do not think it's just me who is having this error. Or is it?

I took and downloaded the new version of the CuteNews. And saw, to my great joy that Facebook was now integrated into the new version. But I have a small problem that I was thinking to hear if you could help me with when it comes to Facebook.
When I have put up a post, picture, or whatever it may be, I see that Facebook layout, postings are in Russian?!. Something that I even can not understand what it is coming from. I live in Sweden, and then I expect that text will be in Swedish, and not, as in this case, in Russian.

So how the heck do I do about this? For I want to be happy to have Facebook in Swedish that I usually have.
Is it that I have missed something in the setup out CuteNews?

Thanks so much in advance.
Jörgen Lindström, Sweden

But if I now open the temples which I have now, that is, the "Default", see below.

///////////////////// TEMPLATE Default /////////////////////
$template_active = <<<HTML
<div style="width:420px; margin-bottom:30px;">

<div style="text-align:justify; padding:3px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:5px; border-top:1px solid #D3D3D3;">{short-story}</div>

<div style="float: right;">[full-link]Read more •[/full-link]  [com-link]{comments-num} Comments[/com-link]</div>

<div><em>Posted on {date} by {author}</em></div>

$template_full = <<<HTML
<div style="width:420px; margin-bottom:15px;">

<div style="text-align:justify; padding:3px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:5px; border-top:1px solid #D3D3D3;">{full-story}</div>

<div style="float: right;">{comments-num} Comments</div>

<div><em>Posted on {date} by {author}</em></div>

$template_comment = <<<HTML
<div style="width: 400px; margin-bottom:20px;">

<div style="border-bottom:1px solid black;"> by <strong>{author}</strong> @ {date}</div>

<div style="padding:2px; background-color:#F9F9F9">{comment}</div>


$template_form = <<<HTML
  <table border="0" width="370" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td width="60">Name:</td>
      <td><input type="text" name="name"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="mail"> (optional)</td>
      <td colspan="2">
      <textarea cols="40" rows="6" id=commentsbox name="comments"></textarea>

      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add My Comment">
      <input type=checkbox name=CNremember  id=CNremember value=1><label for=CNremember> Remember Me</label> |
  [url=java script:CNforget();]Forget Me[/url]

$template_prev_next = <<<HTML
<p align="center">[prev-link]<< Previous[/prev-link] {pages} [next-link]Next >>[/next-link]</p>
$template_comments_prev_next = <<<HTML
<p align="center">[prev-link]<< Older[/prev-link] ({pages}) [next-link]Newest >>[/next-link]</p>

Should I then put in the code itself "<div id="fb-root"> </ div>" at the beginning of the page? Or what? Order than how you look and twisted it around, so there is still no <body> in the templetsen that I use out of.

Hmm, I do not know. hmm
Is it to be so ridiculously hard to get to this?

Is there nobody who knows?

It's the page where you use the cutenews include code, ie

$number = '5';
$template = 'something';

Well .. Now I do not know if it was a bit wrong. What I want, it's what page i should add "<div id="fb-root"> </ div>" to?

For if i go to "" and I typed them the data needed, and I then click on "get code", and I take or choose "Hmtl5". So it says:

Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> while.

That is to say "<div id="fb-root"> </ div>". But I wonder, in which page I'm going to paste the code in simply? 
That is where my doubts come in.

Could be me that is a little bad at explaining. Sorry about that

Now I am tedious with all of these issues. I know.

But I have a small question about the "Add Facebook Comments to CuteNews". Anyone who can be found on [url=h][/url]. It says that you should paste the first code, "Include the first code to page elsewhere showing not news, right after body tag." Now I do not know if it is i who think crazy, but it is not the "show_news.php"?

And it's that side, so there's no "body tag" to paste the code itself for. For the whole is more, even large <php> page. So the question is when, it is me who is completely way off with this? Or is it that it's me thinking all wrong? Not completely impossible.

For the second piece, the one with "add fade Add comment form box (in CuteNews) the code which is in the second box.", i understand.
So what I am wondering, is whether it is "show_news.php" page is the page you will paste the first code in, or who or what is it for the page you mean?

I liked the description on the page in question was a bit fuzzy.

I found the error myself.
Had forgotten to write "FALSE" instead of TRUE in the right place.
How silly of me.

$ display_categories_when_showing_news = TRUE;
$ display_news_under_list = FALSE;

Instead of:

$display_categories_when_showing_news = TRUE;
$display_news_under_list = TRUE;

So now everything is as it should. Excuse any trouble. I'm a little confused sometimes.

Move over the complete data folder.
Not the config file if anything has been changed.
If you have only upgraded to 1.4.7 then everything in the data folder can be moved.

Well, I tested with it first. And yes, it works. Until I click on one of categories in the blog. And it looks not good. I made a Youtube clip for you to more easily understand what I mean. Simpler in this way.

Now that I've thought about it, so I wrote maybe wrong title for the post.

So I guess it has something with the script "List categories - list_cats" to do.

I was in and checked out if there would be no update to the script ( ) here on CuteNews, but I could not find anything that could help me.
With this it was correct not really the title of the thread of what I wanted help with. So instead of that I should start another thread so I drive on this for now.

So is there anyone who can help me with my problem with the categories in the menu on the website? Because they worked just fine before I took me to upgrade CuteNews. That worked, it has. Until now.

List categories - list_cats.php

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

// If it is set to FALSE, the categories wont be displayed
// after a visitor click some category to see the news from it
  $display_categories_when_showing_news = TRUE;
 $display_news_under_list = TRUE;

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Main Part (Do not edit below)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
$cutepath =  __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'list_cats.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/list_cats.php'", "", $cutepath);


if(($show_cat != "" and $display_categories_when_showing_news == TRUE) or $show_cat == ""){
    $cat_lines = file("$cutepath/data/category.db.php") or die("Can not open $cutepath/data/category.db.php");
    foreach($cat_lines as $cat_line){
        $cat_arr = explode("|", $cat_line);
        echo "[url=?show_cat={$cat_arr[0]}]{$cat_arr[1]}[/url]
if(isset($_GET['show_cat']) && preg_match('/^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,}$/', $_GET['show_cat'] && $display_news_under_list)){
    $category = $show_cat;
A short question. If I want to keep, or carry over the old post,photos and the comments from the old version of the CuteNews, and get them to the new updated version. What files are there in the "data" folder that I will carry over? Or am I in the wrong folder?

I have already saved, or transfer images to and from "upimages". So they are where they are now supposed to be. But it is only this that I want to transfer my old posts, etc. from the former version to the new. But I just do not know what files it's like I'm going to transfer.

So is there anyone who knows, let me know.

* Update 2012.05.20 - the problem is fixed *


(10 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

But now. After a reinstall, everything works as it should. So it was not worse than this in other words.
Will thanks so much for all the attention.


(10 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Open the cutenews index.php file in an editor.
Look a few lines down and check that $config_path_image_upload=./data....
Is set to the folder that you are using for uploading the images.
On one of my servers I had a similar problem when I had set it to
The images uploaded but the insert would not work.
The JavaScript routine in images.mdu only worked when I reset it to

I checked, and it pointed imot correct folder. Nah, I'll have to take and instalera about it all simply. Does not take too long.
But thanks anyway.


(10 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Make sure you set
correctly in

Um ... I'm probably afraid I can not keep up. How or what do you mean?


(10 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Just tested it here with a  new installation of cutenews 1.4.7 and it worked with no problems.

Hmm ... If I then take and try installing again, and see then if it gets any better. Could be where the fault lies.

For it sounds pretty unlikely that it would be the browser behind the problmet when I think about it. Especially when I've tested it all in both Chrome and Internet Explorer. And it is or it is the same error.

However,. I will try to instalera of CuteNews so I get to see if there is any improvement.

I do not know if it's just me who has problem with latest version ( 1.4.7 ) of the CuteNews. I think that the "bugs" a little too much for his own good. As an example of this when I'm going to add a picture (Insert image) so it does not work. I had the exact same problem before with the previous version of CuteNews, but then we decided that it was the web browser Chrome, which was behind it all. The function simply did not work in Chrome, but worked just fine in Internet Explorer.

But right now it does not work very function in either Chrome or Internet Explorer.

I enclose a little Youtube clip of the problem and you will see better for yourself what is the problem.

So the question is when, how, or you can do something about this problem? For it is terrible irritant not being able to add pictures without having to resort to "paste" method.

* Update 2012.05.20 - the problem is fixed *

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