Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews
translatable to another languages. easily
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CutePHP Forums → Script Feedback and Suggestion → Wishes for future versions of CuteNews
translatable to another languages. easily
ad add news or edit news i need the following thing
start time, end time
so i can write articles in advance and publish it when i want to. and disable it when i want to.
i tried to find something about in this forum for more than 2 hours. maybe i haven't seen a post.
please help me!
there is add news in the future, but not disable news after X ammount of time
you could try the auto archive hack
but that means all posts have 1 month before being archived, as of right now there isnt a way to set individual post disable times - could write it yourself though, wouldnt be too hard
The feauture that journalists articles must pass an editor's check before they really get posted.
good god it's a F*CKING PINNED TOPIC
i hate newbs... you damned impatient people wont just read things, it was 2 lines below this post...
that should work... if not i cant help ya
oooh so what you're asking is for all spaces to be converted to so that it doesnt question your spacing
i recomend using <pre> some spaces !</pre>
because pre will preserve your spaces and such
Cutenews should NOT add
's after HTML markeups, like <li> just becauase you logically go down to the next line to organize the content.
If I code this:
* item one<l/i>
<li>item two
* item three
It will not only go to the next line because its a new list item, it will add a
because you pressed enter in the text editor. I fought with this for hours thinking it was my CSS since firefox displayed it with the extra lines.
I have to do this in the add/news box to make it work:
* item one<l/i><li>item two
* item three
I think that is just silly. Some logic to not add lines etc. after inserted markup would be nice.
if you notice near the submit button at the bottom there is also a preview button and an options link
if you click options there's a checkbox to convert new lines to
if you mean you want that to only effect html tags... nobody wants to put that much effort into it, you either do the whole post with or without the checkbox
The Markdown plugin supplied in AJ-Fork does exactly what you want.
Adding Markdown (which is a presentation-only filter) to cutehack wouldn't be a bad idea, really.'
It's stand-alone, so you only need to include the file then run Markdown($news_content);
The Markdown plugin supplied in AJ-Fork does exactly what you want.
Adding Markdown (which is a presentation-only filter) to cutehack wouldn't be a bad idea, really.'
It's stand-alone, so you only need to include the file then run Markdown($news_content);
what exactly does it do?
I would like the next cutenews to have one feature... A magical button reads what I want from my mind and then does it... That would be so cool... :specool:
It basically gives the user neat ways of formatting text (tables, links, whatever), making paragraphs as appropriate and leaves any html alone
It basically gives the user neat ways of formatting text (tables, links, whatever), making paragraphs as appropriate and leaves any html alone
it seems like that kinda removes the "new lines
" option (or would) so i'd rather not, though im sure those who want it could put it in
Seperating Admin into different sub-groups e.g. Root Admin and Admins, where as Root Admin would be the original owner of CN. Admins could have all the powers of Root Admin, except they cannot change the status and details of the Root Admin or some system settings etc.
My suggestions:
1) Different fields for every category, let's say if somebody wants to post in the category "News" for example, when going to Add News, there will be showed all the categories.
If "News" is selected the following the fields will appear:
- Title __________
- Image __________
- Comment __________
- Short Story
- Full Story
_______________If "Articles" is selected, then this will appear, depending on the settings:
- Title __________
- Avatar ____________
- Short Story
- Full Story
_______________And I think that the admin should be able to edit this in a x-field editor or something.
this can be done with XFields
Seperating Admin into different sub-groups e.g. Root Admin and Admins, where as Root Admin would be the original owner of CN. Admins could have all the powers of Root Admin, except they cannot change the status and details of the Root Admin or some system settings etc.
what would be the point of this? what would the root admin have access to that the regular admin's wouldnt?
Added security, stopping the users from altering any configuration or the root admin accounts. This is something that is used many software packages such as IPB.
i can understand preventing modifications of root admin account, but honestly what would the root admin have access to that the regular admin wouldnt
Added security, stopping the users from altering any configuration or the root admin accounts. This is something that is used many software packages such as IPB.
Isn't that like having one admin user and multiple editors in cutenews language?
IPB has one admin here (Flexer) and multiple moderators.
Flex has control over site, we dont.
Flex has control over mass-banning, we dont.
Flex can backup and pull down this forum, we cant.
Its kinda like editors and admins in cutenews.
Admins can do system options, Editors cant.
Admins can adjust templates, Editors cant.
etc etc.
You get my drift?
But if someone wants admins to edit news / templates / some settings, but not ban users or change important settings, such as CN directory or admin email etc?
Or maybe alter other users details, including banning, except the main root admin but not be able to alter the templates.
Sorry can't really explain more as I'm quite drunk now hmmm cider...
rofl you guys
You can do that just by editing options.mdu. It's in there very begining of the file
All this talk about making a hack when it's in cutenews already
sorry if this has already been brought up guys but i didnt really have time to read the previous 5 pages...
it would be fantastic (i would say essential) to be able to edit the on screen order of news posts after you've made them
CutePHP Forums → Script Feedback and Suggestion → Wishes for future versions of CuteNews
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