Hi all,
i'm trying to use cutenews to generate a big website. I like to add the pagecontent by cutenews, and that's working great for sofar untill now. The site counts en couple of dozens pages, splitted to 5 separately groups.
by example, group 1: overall news, group2: static information on the whole site, group 3: news from the east side of the village, group 4: news from the westside of the village and 5: administrator area's.
Each of the 5 groups will be used bij a couple of redactors, witch will fill serveral pages with text using several categories of cutenews. But it is at this moment not possible to give them levels so one of the redactors from group 3 can't post or edit in categories from other groups while administrators and moderators can post in all groups categories.
What I think Cutenews is missing is the possibility to split up categories in sections or groups, and split users into several levels, and to bind one or more groups or sections to one or more userlevels all as flelxible as possible.
So, it could be like this :
category 1,5,6 -> section 1
category 1,2,9 -> section 2
category 3,4,7,8 -> section 3
user Adrian - > level 1
user Bas -> level 1,2
user Cesar -> level 3
user Admin -> level 1,2,3,4
section 1 -> level 1,4
section 2 -> level 2,3,4
section 3 -> level 4
witch will result in
user adrian only able to write in categories 1,5,6
user Bas only able to write in categories 1,5,6 and 1,2,9 (so total in 1,2,6,9)
user Cesar only able to write in categories 1,2,9
user Admin only able to write in categories 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (all of them)
or in category # can write:
1 - all users
2 - Bas Cesar Admin
3 - Admin
4 - admin
5 - adrian, bas, admin
6 - adrian, bas, admin
7 - admin
8 - admin
9 - bas, sesar, admin
There should be an nearly unlimited amounts of levels, sections so almost any combination can be possible. In most of teh systems like xoops, phpnuke etc there are most often 254 levels possible. But this packets are not possible to use in own websitepages unlike cutenews can do end that's why I choose to use cutenews.
Is it a possibility to create functions like I describe in cute ? would be very very nice !!!!