Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I'm having trouble with the plugging commenters' names, and then I had an idea for the newer version: why not have a built-in function, or have a revised code included in both the functions and show file, so people like me won't have to worry about it screwing every time I move to a new host. Just have it built-in.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Well I suppose could be nice a function something like a newsletter (without registration) which permit to send emails to your visitors (you have to select the ones you wanted to email) to inform them you have updated your blog.

Don't you think so?


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I would like a little program that comes with it. This program is a template builder. So it's easier to build templates.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

make the "date" separetely from the "date"....
we dont usually use them together!


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

It would be grate if some news could be sticked, so they would be on top of page even you add new news.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I would like a little program that comes with it. This program is a template builder. So it's easier to build templates.

I just make em in dreamweaver and copy over the code

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

A built-in sticky news post would be great.

258 (edited by 2007-05-30 18:08:57)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

MySQL Support, people should be able to chose either they want to use MySQL or Files in installation process.

Mod Rewrite for URLs in options. So we don't have to go search some hacks.

Text Editor Wordpress style.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Maybe when archiving news, instead of the news archiving name be the date it was original posted, have an option to add the title of the page when archiving instead of the date.   So it will be easier for visitors to look at, and for the webmiss to look through if they missed something.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Glad we're on an understanding  ... still can't see cutenews going SQL though

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Hi all,

i'm trying to use cutenews to generate a big website. I like to add the pagecontent by cutenews, and that's working great for sofar untill now. The site counts en couple of dozens pages, splitted to 5 separately groups.
by example, group 1: overall news, group2: static information on the whole site, group 3: news from the east side of the village, group 4: news from the westside of the village and 5: administrator area's.
Each of the 5 groups will be used bij a couple of redactors, witch will fill serveral pages with text using several categories of cutenews. But it is at this moment not possible to give them levels so one of the redactors from group 3 can't post or edit in categories from other groups while administrators and moderators can post in all groups categories.

What I think Cutenews is missing is the possibility to split up categories in sections or groups, and split users into several levels, and to bind one or more groups or sections to one or more userlevels all as flelxible as possible.

So, it could be like this :

category 1,5,6  -> section 1
category 1,2,9  -> section 2
category 3,4,7,8 -> section 3

user Adrian - > level 1
user Bas -> level 1,2
user Cesar -> level 3
user Admin -> level 1,2,3,4

section 1 -> level 1,4
section 2 -> level 2,3,4
section 3 -> level 4

witch will result in
user adrian only able to write in categories 1,5,6
user Bas only able to write in categories 1,5,6 and 1,2,9 (so total in 1,2,6,9)
user Cesar only able to write in categories 1,2,9
user Admin only able to write in categories 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (all of them)

or in category # can write:
1 - all users
2 - Bas Cesar Admin
3 - Admin
4 - admin
5 - adrian, bas, admin
6 - adrian, bas, admin
7 - admin
8 - admin
9 - bas, sesar, admin

There should be an nearly unlimited amounts of levels, sections so almost any combination can be possible. In most of teh systems like xoops, phpnuke etc there are most often 254 levels possible. But this packets are not possible to use in own websitepages unlike cutenews can do end that's why I choose to use cutenews.

Is it a possibility to create functions like I describe in cute ? would be very very nice !!!!



Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

i guess your asking for subcategories. Cutenws doesn't support and as we don't hear anything anymore from the devellopper, i doubt it'll ever be part of CN.
I think would be a better choice, cause it allready ahs subcategories in it.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

i guess your asking for subcategories. Cutenws doesn't support and as we don't hear anything anymore from the devellopper, i doubt it'll ever be part of CN.
I think would be a better choice, cause it allready ahs subcategories in it.

Thanx for the advice.
Ik just donwloaded it and installed it on a subdomain i have, but its not fully translated from russian, and it doesn't have a WYSIWYG editor. Also it have subcategories, but that's not exactly what ik meant. I am looking for a way to authorise persons to categories and disable other categories to the same person. So you get user-a be able to write in cat 1 to5, user b in cat 6 to10 and user-c in cat 11 to 100 by example. All three users are editors, but I don't want them to write in cat's when they are not autorized for that specific cat's.

It's because I am building a website for a church community (i have the order because they seen the website I wrote foot some schools in here also using cutenews but in there every teacher is alowed to write in all cat's) with 4 churches. They want one website but for every churchplace are some specific pages. So a editor in place 1 can post in all the cat's for that place, but not in the cat's reserved for the oder three places. But all editors must be able to post in the overall cat's. You see my problem?

CN is the only CMS I found from where you can place text in standard html pages of a website. All other CMS systems are websites themselves and give some output to standard pages is highley impossible to them. So I like to use CN, but missing the option to authorise persons per category.

Regards, Ron


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

This is just something I thought of.. the ability to password protect certain entries. I currently have my CuteNews set up as a journal, and some entries are password protected, but it requires the setting up, and maintaining of a twin journal. There maybe easier ways to get around this, but I'm not that skilled in PHP/MySQL, so I wouldn't know how.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

cutenews isn't mysql but txtsql. It uses .txt files to save data.
Try and search for cutenews ru on google
It's a somewhat other news script with the same basic function and feeling, but it has plugins, on of which is a password protect entry plugin.
But don't start deleting cutenews and just switch. Try it out first and see if you get it working.


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

cutenews isn't mysql but txtsql. It uses .txt files to save data.
Try and search for cutenews ru on google
It's a somewhat other news script with the same basic function and feeling, but it has plugins, on of which is a password protect entry plugin.
But don't start deleting cutenews and just switch. Try it out first and see if you get it working.

That's excellent. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

There needs to be a search button so people viewing the articals can search for what they want to find, this is helpfull when theres alot of articals.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

i say make the coding so that ppl wont have to find out ways to fix the smallest problems like their comments, comment form, and full stories(when they choose to do a full story) not showing on their site for example.  im having this problem right now and cant seem to find a answer to it and i've had it for a month now, going on 2 months.  yes i went to the help boards but most of them dont really expalin how to solve the problems for people like me who are new to it and dont really understand it right away.

so the newer versions should have coding to show things like the comments, comment form, and full stories without having to go in there, tweak with the coding that already came with the program(especially if you dont know what you're doing), and mess up the whole thing, leaveing you angry, fustrated, and eventually, uninstalling the program and trying another one like wordpress or greymatter.

cutenews wouldnt be such a hassle if it wasnt for the littleist(sorry if i spelled it wrong) things like these three problems i have.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

One Thing that may be very usefull and simple to do is another fild to put a news image.



banner url(optional)

What is the difference?
Actually if we want to build a page using cutenews with different fields, we can put [title], [short-story with a image] and [full story], but with my sugestion you can put the [banner] first and the [title], and after that a [short story] and [full story]. In this case you can use a image to show what is the news main idea and not just a title. That may also do the person to see the news because he/she thinks that the image is interesting.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

havent i seen a topic about this before?

the news main idea. Doesn't that get represented by the category name? And there is a category-icon option available.
OR use the avatar fiels instead.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

hi, i want to suggest an add-on

some newspapers have the comments before the main title. Is there any script that let the user do something like that? (a tag i mean) I'll put an example just taken from

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273 (edited by 2007-10-13 02:30:27)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

different cutenews sections "templates and all" but one account and one installation needed. It would be great for my graphics site

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

?? i don't get it.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

multiple category Icon! could be an Idea