26 (edited by 2012-04-21 19:13:52)

Re: This hack doesn't work. Help me

if your page is http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/
everything seems to be working just fine now?

Re: This hack doesn't work. Help me

if your page is http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/
everything seems to be working just fine now?

Yes, it works fine because I uploaded show_news.php file and index.php file without the hack. Otherwise my users may have problems. Please help me

28 (edited by 2012-04-24 18:20:46)

Re: This hack doesn't work. Help me

What is this?

$include_id = "101"; //Inserisci un ID UNICO a tua scelta e diverso dagli altri INCLUDE
if( (isset($_GET['include_id']) && $_GET['include_id'] != $include_id) || ( isset($_POST['include_id']) && $_POST['include_id'] != $include_id ) )

Now, this code is unsetting the $subaction (a variable that tells cutenews to show full story, ie subaction=showfull in the url). I don't really see a reason why the categories would somehow affect this "if" to be executed, but your center part has diffrent include_id that the right side, so when clicking on the full story link on right side, the include_id is diffrent than the include_id of the center part, thus subaction is unset...

Re: This hack doesn't work. Help me

What I have to do?

Re: This hack doesn't work. Help me

marnevi, remove a line:

$ucat = (! isset ($ _GET ['ucat']))? $category: $ucat;

Everything will earn as you want. I had the same problem.

Re: This hack doesn't work. Help me

Problem is that the right side news does not show the full story, right? Well, the central area shows news form categories 1 2 3 4, while the right side news are from category 9. See the problem? best makeup for oily skin