Check folder permissions and .htaccess then report back.

I have cute news 1.4.5. It worked for awhile, but now i'm getting this error:

500 Internal Server Error

The server has encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

I installed the mod, and it will insert images, and create a thumb easily, the only problem is with 'Clickable Thumbs'.

When I choose that option it only shows the file name in a text link which goes to a pop up, any ideas?


Look at the html, you will see it is rnot referencing the correct url to the image. My solution (unfortunately) to this was to dump all the cuteNews 1.4.1 files into public_html; then it works with the exception in Edit News the thumbnails it displays while thumbnail sized are actually the full size images.

I continute to monitor this thread dreaming of the day when these small details get addressed.

I'm not annoyed, I am curious however about why the filename replaces the alt text field. I've had that same experience. Anybody else notice this?

URL Getting Stripped?!
I've run into this before and fixed it but forgot where it was goldarnit'.

gets stripped upon publishing to


Where did the go?!

When I showed off this great addition to cuteNews to my associate he immediately asked how do you 'hyperlink' the inserted image.

I had to agree that switching to code view and manually inserting a <a href= wouldn't work for all authors....

Does anybody agree it would be a useful option for the Insert Image or Insert Photo ability (not Insert Clickable Thumb)

Would it not make sense to post a new images.mdu with the 'fixes', or does the included images.mdu work as is for versions earllier than 1.4.1. If yes, then perhaps it would be a good idea to post two versions of images.mdu specific to what ver. of CuteNews one uses?

You can download my edited version that works with CuteNews 1.4.1.


Thumb Path Not Correct on my News Page

I'm having a problem getting the image to display with the Advanced Image improvement. It's all good except for the path that gets generated on my news page.

I get a broken thumbnail:


instead of


BTW clicking the broken image does display the large version correctly.

Sorry for the double post. I've never used the INvision Power Board before....