The problem should be fixed in the latest version, but i could be wrong. Im not a user of cutenews these days.

Your saying you have no problems with 1.4.5 so i dont see why you are looking for that code.

The code will of course change from version to version the first post made by myself was for 1.4.1

The feature this fix is for.. does not come with cutenews 1.3.6 only comes in 1.4.0+

the link i believe has been deleted... well the post anyway.

What's this for?
There seems to be a bug where auto archiving wont archive your news for the new year.

Note: If you are after the fix which displays false auto archiving errors when the auto archive feature is turn off check out

How to Fix?

Replace this (Line 179 in CN 1.4.1)..

if($now[year] >= (int)$last_archived[year] and $now[month] > (int)$last_archived[month]){

With this..

if(($now[year] >= (int)$last_archived[year] and $now[month] > (int)$last_archived[month]) or ((int)$last_archived[month] != 1 and $now[month] == 1)){

When looking at the file near the end there is a few bbcodes that i have never really noticed that could be used.

I just tried that out and i must say very nice! I have played with the GDLib thingo before and must say its a bit of a bum 2 use at times.

I noticed some stupid problems on window server.. that some thumbnails wouldnt show as the image only had admin read rights and stupid stuff like that.

If you are after a media pop-up script there is a very nice javascript one here at

Name: Disable Posting of Comments for individual News Articles
Author: Jetski
CuteNews Compatibility: 1.3.6 - * (no incompatibility reported yet)
Description: This will add a Tick Box to the Add News & Edit News Options. This way you can choose if people can comment on this article or not.
Requirements: 1.3.6 - 1.4.1

1. First of all lets add the Tick Box to the Add News Options & Also Make it right a variable to the news file  (addnews.mdu)


<tr id='options' style='display:none;'>
        <td width=\"75\">
        <td width=\"575\" colspan=\"4\">


And add the following after the above code

<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dis_comm\" value=\"yes\" />Disable Comments for this Article?<br/>


        $full_story  = replace_news("add", $full_story, $n_to_br, $use_html);
        $short_story = replace_news("add", $short_story, $n_to_br, $use_html);
        $title                  = replace_news("add", $title, TRUE, $use_html);

and add the following code, the line after that above code

$dis_comm = trim($dis_comm);

Now find

fwrite($news_file, "$added_time|$member_db[2]|$title|$short_story|$full_story|$manual_avatar|$category||\n");

and replace it with

fwrite($news_file, "$added_time|$member_db[2]|$title|$short_story|$full_story|$manual_avatar|$category|$dis_comm||\n");

2. Now lets do the same plus a few extra things but for the Edit News (editnews.mdu)


    if (!$found){ msg("error","Error !!!","The selected news item can [b]not[/b] be found."); }
    $newstime   = date("D, d F Y h:i:s", $item_db[0]);
    $item_db[2] = stripslashes( preg_replace(array("'\|'", "'\"'", "'\''"), array("I", """, "'"), $item_db[2]) );

And add the following after the above..

    if($item_db[7] == "yes"){ $dis_comm_check = "checked"; }
    else{ $dis_comm_check = ""; }


        <tr id='options' style='display:none;'>
        <td width=\"75\">
        <td width=\"565\" colspan=\"4\">


And below the above code add this code

<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dis_comm\" value=\"yes\" $dis_comm_check/>Disable Comments for this Article?


    $full_story =         replace_news("add", rtrim($full_story), $n_to_br, $use_html);
        $title =                 stripslashes( preg_replace(array("'\|'", "'\n'", "''"), array("I", "
", ""), $title) );
    $avatar =                stripslashes( preg_replace(array("'\|'", "'\n'", "''"), array("I", "
", ""), $avatar) );

And add this code the line after the above code...

$dis_comm = trim($dis_comm);



and replace the above with...


3. Now We have to tell the show_news.php that we dont want the comment form to appear on certian news articles.. (

Find... (around lines 360-368)

                        $output = str_replace("{news-id}", $news_arr[0], $output);
                        $output = str_replace("{archive-id}", $archive, $output);
                        $output = str_replace("{php-self}", $PHP_SELF, $output);
                        $output = str_replace("{cute-http-path}", $config_http_script_dir, $output);

                        $output = replace_news("show", $output);

                        echo $output;

and after the above code add the following..

if($news_arr[7] == "yes"){ $dis_comm = true;}

Find...(around lines 540-546)

    if        (!$no_prev or !$no_next){
            echo $prev_next_msg;

        $template_form = str_replace("{config_http_script_dir}", "$config_http_script_dir", $template_form);

and after the above add this


Now find...

    echo"<form  $CN_remember_form  method=\"post\" name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" action=\"\">".$template_form."<div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subaction\" value=\"addcomment\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ucat\" value=\"$ucat\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$show\" />$user_post_query</div></form>
                    \n $CN_remember_include";

and add the following on the next line


4. Now we just need to fix up a little thing in the mass changing of cateogories function (massactions.mdu)



and replace that code with the following..


Now thats it there should be no problems!
This will not remove the comments link when commenting is disabled for an article.

Something else needs to be added.. i put this in the hacks area but did it disappear?

Search the forum.. there is a addon around.. its called latest comments or somethisng like that

Benji,Aug 15 2005, 05:29 AM wrote:

Sorry about this, but id also like to add:

Maybe everytime a piece of news was added into say category number 1, all that news would also be automaticly added into say a forum called General in a phpbb message board???

Hope this is possible, it would be great!!



Thats going a bit over the top i think.. it maybe made as a hack by someone but chances of it getting made for any cutenews releases are very low.

I dont think ive heard of it.. but post away.. me or someone will possibly added it to the hacks section or wateva

I believe in show_news.php at the end of the file the $show_dh should be unset soo it dont screw up other includes.

Soo in the end code below you will see ive added $show_db at the end of the Unset function.

unset($static, $template, $requested_cats, $category, $catid, $cat,$reverse, $in_use, $archives_arr, $number, $no_prev, $no_next, $i, $showed, $prev, $used_archives,$show_dh);

Very Nice.. I shall move this to the hacks area.

Good to see you supporting Cutenews.... stupid Fusions tongue They are really fussy about there copyright. and then give it away for free. Idiots lol big_smile

I think this has been made before... but im not 100% sure.

mmm Chicken!

moloko,Oct 29 2004, 11:28 PM wrote:

Things I would like to see in CuteNews.

Visitor Stats.  I love graphs and numbers.  It would be neat to see this stuff.

Scheduled publishing.  <-- I think there was some talk about this, but can't find in the forums now.

Basic image/file uploader/ manager.  <-- I have a separate one but it would be nice to have it as a plugin.  If I read correctly this is going to be in the next version. 

Audit system.  < table showing who is making changes to what and when. 

Edit login pages <- I have seen a tutorial around.  But would it be possible to edit all the pages CSS. 

I think these should be modules/ extentions/ plugins (how ever you want to call them).  CuteNews is great because its so customizable.  Its a small upload and can build it with plugins for more advanced features.  I think that is great. 
Just my thoughts and ideas.

1. I dont see any vistors stats happening since its only a news system not a website managment system.

2. Scheduled Publishing - If i knew what you mean its alright in some ways but that would mean you never posted at the time it says.

3. Basic image/file uploader/ manager - It basically already has one just that its only for images ... i think... im sure its not hard to change that.

4. Audit system - I dont see much of point... meh!

5. Edit login pages - That can be easily done if im thinking right... just edit the CSS file or template file thats in the skins folder for that skin.

It was just the umm File Format Size function and the mircoTimer Class.
But now .... I CANT BE STUFFED MAKING A NEWS SYSTEM lol! but i may use those functions for other projects.

Will, will you eat my soul if I used some functions out of cutenews?

Haha.... I not scummy... I like clean code... i hate coping code from else where... unless its only a couple lines.

Ive been wanting to make one for sometime now... i have made simple ones for one user but thats it.