If you mean you just want a blank search field

Remove {$title}:

<input type=text value="" name=title size="24">

and about the date fields?

On the page search for where you have
It is where you have the search selection.

but I can't read what you say on the script (look above). I read in search.tpl this:

<input type=text value="{$title}" name=title size="24">

So this is the main include:

$start_from = isset($_GET['start_from']) ? $_GET['start_from'] : 0;
$subaction = isset($_GET['subaction']) ? $_GET['subaction'] : '';
$category = "1,2,3,4,9";
$number = "5";
                                    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                    Here we decide what page to include
                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
                                    if($_POST['do'] == "search" or $_GET['dosearch'] == "yes"){ $subaction = "search"; $dosearch = "yes"; include("./b/search.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "archives"){ include("./b/show_archives.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "search"){ include("./b/search.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "stats"){ echo"You can download the stats addon and include it here to show how many news, comments ... you have"; /* include("$path/stats.php"); */ }
                                    else{ include("./b/show_news.php"); }

and this is the side include:

$start_from = 0;
$subaction = '';

What I have to do?

this is my search.php page


    $NotHeaders = true;
    require_once ('core/init.php');
    include ('core/loadenv.php');

    // plugin tells us: he is fork, stop
    if ( hook('fork_search', false) ) return;

    // Check including
    $Uri = '//'.dirname( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
    if (strpos($config_http_script_dir, $Uri) !== false && strpos($PHP_SELF, 'search.php') !== false)
        die_stat(403, 'Wrong including search.php! Check manual to get more information about this issue.');

    // Autodate
    if ( empty($from_date_day) )   $from_date_day = intval(date('d'));
    if ( empty($from_date_month) ) $from_date_month = date('m');
    if ( empty($from_date_year) )  $from_date_year = 2008;

    if ( empty($to_date_day) )     $to_date_day = intval(date('d', time() + 3600*24));
    if ( empty($to_date_month) )   $to_date_month = date('m');
    if ( empty($to_date_year) )    $to_date_year = date('Y');

    $files_arch = array();

    // check for bad _GET and _POST
    $user_post_query    = cute_query_string($QUERY_STRING, array("archives", "start_from", "archive", "subaction", "id", "cnshow", "ucat", "dosearch", "story", "title", "user", "from_date_day", "from_date_month", "from_date_year", "to_date_day", "to_date_month", "to_date_year"), "post");

    $date_from  = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($from_date_month), intval($from_date_day), intval($from_date_year));
    $date_to    = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($to_date_month), intval($to_date_day), intval($to_date_year));

    if ( empty($search_form_hide) || isset($search_form_hide) && empty($dosearch) )

        // Make parameters -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        list($day_from, $month_from, $year_from) = make_postponed_date($date_from);
        list($day_to,   $month_to,   $year_to)   = make_postponed_date($date_to);

        $selected_search_arch = empty($archives) ? false : "checked='checked'";
        $story  = htmlspecialchars( urldecode($story) );
        $title  = htmlspecialchars( urldecode($title) );
        $author = htmlspecialchars( urldecode($author) );

        $hide = ($title or $author or !empty($archives) ) ? false: true;
        echo proc_tpl('search');

    // Do Search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($dosearch == "yes")
        $mc_start = microtime(true);

        // In active news anyway
        $listing = array( time() => '/cdata/news.txt' );

        // Also, search in archive if present (sort it)
        if ( !empty($archives) )
            $dir = read_dir(SERVDIR.'/cdata/archives');
            foreach ($dir as $vs)
                if (preg_match('~(d+).news.arch$~i', $vs, $c))
                    $listing[ $c[1] ] = $vs;


        // Init searching
        $preg_story  = '.*?';
        $preg_author = '.*?';
        $preg_title  = '.*?';

        if ( !empty($story) ) $preg_story  = '.*?('.preg_replace('/s/', '|', preg_sanitize($story)).').*?';
        if ( !empty($user) )  $preg_author = '.*?('.preg_replace('/s/', '|', preg_sanitize($user)).').*?';
        if ( !empty($title) ) $preg_title  = '.*?('.preg_replace('/s/', '|', preg_sanitize($title)).').*?';

        // Search in files
        $found = array();
        foreach ($listing as $id => $newsfile)
            // Old archives do not touch
            if ($id && ($id < $date_from) ) break;

            $news = join('', file(SERVDIR . $newsfile));
            $strs = '~^d+|'.$preg_author.'|'.$preg_title.'|'.$preg_story.'$~im';

            if ( preg_match_all($strs, $news, $c, PREG_SET_ORDER) )
                foreach ($c as $a => $b)
                    $item = explode("|", $b[0]);
                    if ($item[NEW_ID] < $date_from or $item[NEW_ID] > $date_to)

                    // Actually in story?
                    if (!preg_match("~$preg_story~i", $item[NEW_SHORT]) and !preg_match("~$preg_story~i", $item[NEW_FULL]))

                    $found[] = array
                        'id' => $item[NEW_ID],
                        'src' => $newsfile,
                        'title' => $item[NEW_TITLE],
                        'cat' => $item[NEW_CAT]

        if (count($found))
            $itemid = 0;

            // Show results
            foreach ($found as $i => $resline)
                if ($start_from > $itemid) continue;

                $id    = $resline['id'];
                $title = htmlspecialchars( $resline['title'] );
                $title = $config_useutf8? UTF8ToEntities( $title ) : $title;
                $ucat  = $resline['cat'];
                $archive = 0;

                if (preg_match('~(d+).news.arch$~i', $resline['src'], $arc)) $archive = $arc[1];

                $URL = $PHP_SELF . build_uri('subaction,id,archive,ucat', array('showfull'));
                $url = RWU( 'readmore', $URL );
                echo "<div class='cutenews_search_item'>$itemid [b][url=$url]$title[/url][/b] (". date("d F, Y", $id) .")</div>";

            echo "<p class='cutenews_founded'>[b]".lang('Post trovati')." [". count($found)."][/b] ";
            echo str_replace(array('%1','%2'), array( date("d/m/Y", $date_from), date("d/m/Y", $date_to)), lang("dal [b]%1[/b] al [b]%2[/b]</p>", 'search'));
        else echo "<div class='cutenews_not_match'>".lang('Nessun post è stato trovato')."</div>";

        echo '<div class="cutenews_search_results">[i]'.lang('Ricerca effettuata in').' '.round(microtime(true) - $mc_start, 4).' s.[/i]</div>';

    // if user wants to search
    elseif ( ($misc == "search") and ($subaction == "showfull" or $subaction == "showcomments" or $_POST["subaction"] == "addcomment" or $subaction == "addcomment"))
        unset ($action, $subaction);

    unset($search_form_hide, $dosearch);

and this is my search.tpl page:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function mySelect(form) { form.select(); }

    function ShowOrHide(d1, d2)
        var i;
        if (d1 != '') for(i = 1; i < d2; i++) DoDiv(d1+'_'+i);

    function DoDiv(id)
        var item = null;
        if (document.getElementById) item = document.getElementById(id);
        else if (document.all) item = document.all[id];
        else if (document.layers) item = document.layers[id];

        if (item.style) {
            if (item.style.display == "none") item.style.display = "";
            else item.style.display = "none";
        } else item.visibility = "show";
<form method=get action="{$PHP_SELF}?subaction=search">

    <input type=hidden name=dosearch value=yes>

        <tr><td align="right">Post</td><td><input type=text value="{$story}" name=story size="24"></td></tr>

        <tr id="advance_1" {if $hide}style='display:none; z-index:1;{/if}'><td align="right">Titolo</td><td><input type=text value="{$title}" name=title size="24"></td></tr>
        <tr id="advance_2" {if $hide}style='display:none; z-index:1;{/if}'><td align="right">Autore</td><td><input type=text value="{$user}" name=user size="24"></td></tr>
        <tr id="advance_3" {if $hide}style='display:none; z-index:1;{/if}'>
            <td align="right">dal</td>
                <select name=from_date_day> <option value=""></option> {$day_from} </select>
                <select name=from_date_month> <option value=""></option> {$month_from} </select>
                <select name=from_date_year> <option value=""></option> {$year_from} </select>
        <tr id="advance_4" {if $hide} style='display:none; z-index:1;'{/if}>
            <td align="right">al</td>
                <select name=to_date_day> <option value=""></option> {$day_to} </select>
                <select name=to_date_month> <option value=""></option> {$month_to}  </select>
                <select name=to_date_year> <option value=""></option> {$year_to} </select>

        <tr id="advance_5" {if $hide}style='display:none; z-index:1;'{/if}>
            <td align="right">Cerca e archivia</td><td><input type=checkbox {$selected_search_arch} name="archives" value="Y"> </td>

            <td>[url=java script:ShowOrHide(]Ricerca avanzata[/url]</td>
            <td><input type=submit value=Cerca></td>


What and how I have to modify to fix this issue? Please note that data folders show the same problem!!!

Why my search folders show always criterias I previusly used. I can't delete them! http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php?do=search

I have tested the code on my server and there are no problems with categories being displayed correctly in a main include. The latest comments code displays the last X comments regardless of category. So the problem may lie in your main include.

You've right! I fixed the issue just adding $category = "1,2,3,4,9" in my main include... thank you very much

can you help me, please?

the charset of your rss is configured fot utf-8
while it seems your charset is a ISO-8895-1
when manually switching the charset in my browser (ignoring the rss setting) i get to see the rss feed.

Well! My charset is ISO-8859-1. Now I tried to reconfigure RSS, changing utf-8 in ISO-8859-1, and it works very good. Thanx

wrong url, or site offline?

It's right. Try again please http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/b/rss.php

so, there is no solution?

Yes, now it shows the last 4 comments, but it works just about the post belonging to the categories which comments are shown (in my case: category number 9). Furthermore, it let me show in the main inlcude (to the center) only the posts belong to the category number 9, and not all active news. Why this? Look here http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php

Why my rss doesn't work fine? Look here http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/b/rss.php
I costumatized yet but nothing

Why my latest comments script, in CN 1.5, shows 5 times the same comment, but not the last 5 comments? You con see it here, to the right side, downward http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php

This is my script:

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

//number of latest comments to show
if(!isset($comments_number)) $comments_number = 5;

//URL to where you include your news, example: http://site.com/news.php
$site_url = 'http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php';

//more help on the format: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
$date_format = 'd/m/Y';

//In your template you can use: {url}, {name}, {date}, {comment}, {ip}, {mail}, {newsid}, {comid}
$template = '<font face="Arial">[b]{name} [{date}] scrive:[/b] {comment} [url={][u]Vai al post[/u][/url]


/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  END - END - END - END - END - END / don't edit below /
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

    $latest_comments = array_fill(1, $comments_number, array('newsid'=>'0','comid'=>'0','name'=>'','mail'=>'','ip'=>'','comment'=>''));

    function check_latest_comment($comment_line, $newsid){
        global $latest_comments;
        $tmp_latest_comments = $latest_comments;
        $comment_arr = explode("|", $comment_line);
        foreach($latest_comments as $key=>$latest_comment){

            if($latest_comment['comid'] < $comment_arr[0]){

                $previous = $latest_comments[$key];
                foreach($latest_comments as $my_key=>$latest_comment_arr){
                    if($key < $my_key){
                     $current = $latest_comments[$my_key];
                     $latest_comments[$my_key] = $previous;
                     $previous = $current;

                $latest_comments[$key] = array(
                                       'newsid'    => $newsid,
                                       'comid'    => $comment_arr[0],
                                       'name'    => $comment_arr[1],
                                       'mail'    => $comment_arr[2],
                                       'ip'        => $comment_arr[3],
                                       'comment'=> $comment_arr[4],

    $all_comments = file("b/cdata/comments.txt");
    foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
        $comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
        $newsid = $comment_line_arr[0];
        $comment_arr = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
        foreach($comment_arr as $single_comment)
            check_latest_comment($single_comment, $newsid);

    foreach($latest_comments as $comment){
        $output = $template;
        $output = str_replace("{url}", $site_url."?subaction=showcomments&id={newsid}#{comid}", $output);
        $output = str_replace("{name}", $comment['name'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{mail}", $comment['mail'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{ip}", $comment['ip'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{comment}", $comment['comment'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{date}", date($date_format, $comment['comid']), $output);
        $output = str_replace("{newsid}", $comment['newsid'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{comid}", $comment['comid'], $output);
        echo $output;


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Why my latest comments script, in CN 1.5, shows 5 times the same comment, but not the last 5 comments? You con see it here, to the right side, downward http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php

This is my script:

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

//number of latest comments to show
if(!isset($comments_number)) $comments_number = 5;

//URL to where you include your news, example: http://site.com/news.php
$site_url = 'http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php';

//more help on the format: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
$date_format = 'd/m/Y';

//In your template you can use: {url}, {name}, {date}, {comment}, {ip}, {mail}, {newsid}, {comid}
$template = '<font face="Arial">[b]{name} [{date}] scrive:[/b] {comment} [url={][u]Vai al post[/u][/url]


/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  END - END - END - END - END - END / don't edit below /
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

    $latest_comments = array_fill(1, $comments_number, array('newsid'=>'0','comid'=>'0','name'=>'','mail'=>'','ip'=>'','comment'=>''));

    function check_latest_comment($comment_line, $newsid){
        global $latest_comments;
        $tmp_latest_comments = $latest_comments;
        $comment_arr = explode("|", $comment_line);
        foreach($latest_comments as $key=>$latest_comment){

            if($latest_comment['comid'] < $comment_arr[0]){

                $previous = $latest_comments[$key];
                foreach($latest_comments as $my_key=>$latest_comment_arr){
                    if($key < $my_key){
                     $current = $latest_comments[$my_key];
                     $latest_comments[$my_key] = $previous;
                     $previous = $current;

                $latest_comments[$key] = array(
                                       'newsid'    => $newsid,
                                       'comid'    => $comment_arr[0],
                                       'name'    => $comment_arr[1],
                                       'mail'    => $comment_arr[2],
                                       'ip'        => $comment_arr[3],
                                       'comment'=> $comment_arr[4],

    $all_comments = file("b/cdata/comments.txt");
    foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
        $comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
        $newsid = $comment_line_arr[0];
        $comment_arr = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
        foreach($comment_arr as $single_comment)
            check_latest_comment($single_comment, $newsid);

    foreach($latest_comments as $comment){
        $output = $template;
        $output = str_replace("{url}", $site_url."?subaction=showcomments&id={newsid}#{comid}", $output);
        $output = str_replace("{name}", $comment['name'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{mail}", $comment['mail'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{ip}", $comment['ip'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{comment}", $comment['comment'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{date}", date($date_format, $comment['comid']), $output);
        $output = str_replace("{newsid}", $comment['newsid'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{comid}", $comment['comid'], $output);
        echo $output;

anybody knows how?

Hi guys! How can I show pagination in the way below in CN1.5?

<< Back 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 ... 17 18 19 Next >>


Well done lKj... it works!!! Thank you very very much

I tried but pagination and full story don't work anymore (you can see here: http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php)

This is the side include:

$my_get = $_GET;
$_GET = array();

This is the middle include:

$_GET = $my_get;
$number = "5";
                                    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                    Here we decide what page to include
                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
                                    if($_POST['do'] == "search" or $_GET['dosearch'] == "yes"){ $subaction = "search"; $dosearch = "yes"; include("./b/search.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "archives"){ include("./b/show_archives.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "search"){ include("./b/search.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "stats"){ echo"You can download the stats addon and include it here to show how many news, comments ... you have"; /* include("$path/stats.php"); */ }
                                    else{ include("./b/show_news.php"); }

Please help me!!!!

the middle include comes AFTER the one on the right-hand side, so this doesn't work. Any suggestions?

this is the right-hand include side:


this is the middle include:

$number = "5";
                                    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                    Here we decide what page to include
                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
                                    if($_POST['do'] == "search" or $_GET['dosearch'] == "yes"){ $subaction = "search"; $dosearch = "yes"; include("./b/search.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "archives"){ include("./b/show_archives.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "search"){ include("./b/search.php"); }
                                    elseif($_GET['do'] == "stats"){ echo"You can download the stats addon and include it here to show how many news, comments ... you have"; /* include("$path/stats.php"); */ }
                                    else{ include("./b/show_news.php"); }

Using multiple include in CN 1.5, I would like to insert pagination, but it has to work only for the main include, not for the second include too. This last must be indipendent of the main include. Instead, in my news page http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php, you can see it isn't so! Can you help me, please?


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Your code works here without giving an error, although it repeats the same comment. Try changing $template to a different name. Are you using any other variables both in your main include and in the comments hack?

Not bad Damoor!!! Good point! I had to add in main include this:


Now it works very fine. thank you!!!


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Did you use the version for PHP 5?
Post your modified version here.

This is PHP 5 version, modified

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

//number of latest comments to show
if(!isset($comments_number)) $comments_number = 5;

//URL to where you include your news, example: http://site.com/news.php
$site_url = 'http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php';

//more help on the format: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
$date_format = 'd M y';

//In your template you can use: {url}, {name}, {date}, {comment}, {ip}, {mail}, {newsid}, {comid}
$template = '[url={]#[/url] by {name} @ {date} : {comment}

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  END - END - END - END - END - END / don't edit below /
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

    $latest_comments = array_fill(1, $comments_number, array('newsid'=>'0','comid'=>'0','name'=>'','mail'=>'','ip'=>'','comment'=>''));

    function check_latest_comment($comment_line, $newsid){
        global $latest_comments;
        $tmp_latest_comments = $latest_comments;
        $comment_arr = explode("|", $comment_line);
        foreach($latest_comments as $key=>$latest_comment){

            if($latest_comment['comid'] < $comment_arr[0]){

                $previous = $latest_comments[$key];
                foreach($latest_comments as $my_key=>$latest_comment_arr){
                    if($key < $my_key){
                     $current = $latest_comments[$my_key];
                     $latest_comments[$my_key] = $previous;
                     $previous = $current;

                $latest_comments[$key] = array(
                                       'newsid'    => $newsid,
                                       'comid'    => $comment_arr[0],
                                       'name'    => $comment_arr[1],
                                       'mail'    => $comment_arr[2],
                                       'ip'        => $comment_arr[3],
                                       'comment'=> $comment_arr[4],

    $all_comments = file("b/cdata/comments.txt");
    foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
        $comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
        $newsid = $comment_line_arr[0];
        $comment_arr = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
        foreach($comment_arr as $single_comment)
            check_latest_comment($single_comment, $newsid);

    foreach($latest_comments as $comment){
        $output = $template;
        $output = str_replace("{url}", $site_url."?subaction=showcomments&id={newsid}#{comid}", $output);
        $output = str_replace("{name}", $comment['name'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{mail}", $comment['mail'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{ip}", $comment['ip'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{comment}", $comment['comment'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{date}", date($date_format, $comment['comid']), $output);
        $output = str_replace("{newsid}", $comment['newsid'], $output);
        $output = str_replace("{comid}", $comment['comid'], $output);
        echo $output;


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

I have tested the script and it works, when modified, on one of my servers.
503 Service Unavailable error is usually due to something overloading the server.
Take out the latest comments script and see if the error is still there.
If it is then the problem is in the central include.

when I take out the latest comments script, the error 503 is not still there. Please Help me!!!! http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

There was a hack for this in 1.3.6 here:

With slight modification it works in 1.5
i.e the require_once lines
change references from data folder to cdata
add correct $mPath references

yes, it works. You can see hear http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php , to the right menu, running under a little bit. But look the error message: "503 Service Unavailable invalid template characters". What I can do to fix?


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

How can I show latest comments in CN 1.5? Thanx