Topic: [HACK] Comments Manager Module
Name: Comments Manager Module
Author: superhero
CuteNews Compatibility: 1.3.6 - * (no incompatibility reported yet)
Description: Adds a module that lists all comments by last added.
* it shows latest comments in admin panel (default 30)
* delete comment (for editor and Admin only)
* edit comment (for editor and Admin only)
* Add reply (for all users)
* Block ip (for editor and Admin only)
* check ip (all users)
* ban user (Admin only) //reported not working
* send e-mail (all user if commenter put his e-mail)
Requirements: PHP4.
find this in index.php
'editusers' => 'admin',
and add below
'moderator' => 'user',
in inc/option.mdu find this
'name' => "Block IP's from posting comments",
'url' => "$PHP_SELF?mod=ipban",
'access' => "2",
and below add this
'name' => "Moderator",
'url' => "$PHP_SELF?mod=moderator&action=moderator",
'access' => "3",
make a file called moderator.mdu and uplaod it to your inc folder
<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'><?PHP
// Moderator hack created by superhero
// I used for it latest_comments.php v 1.6 by BadDog
//can use in line 66-97:
//{url}, {name} - author, {date}, {comment}, {ip}, {mail}, {newsid}, {comid}, {title},
//{ipurl} - check ip link, {editurl} - edit comment link, {ipbanurl} - block ip link, {delete} = delete link {addurl} - add replay link
//you can change date format in line 25
if($member_db[1] > 3){ msg("error", "Access Denied", "You don't have permission for this section"); }
//////////// MODERATOR ///////////////
if($action == "moderator"){
echoheader("options", "Moderator");
//change date formt
$date_format = 'd-M-y H:m:i';
$flag = 1;
///////////////////// option bar
// Count Comments
$count_comments = 0;
$all_comments = file("./data/comments.txt");
foreach($all_comments as $news_comments){
$single_news_comments = explode("|>|", $news_comments);
$individual_comments = explode("||", $single_news_comments[1]);
$count_comments += count($individual_comments) - 1;
// How Many Comments to show on one page
if($comments_number == ""){ $comments_number = 30; }
// How many Comments are on page
$entries_showed = $count_comments - $comments_number;
if ( $entries_showed < 0) { $entries_showed = $count_comments;}
else { $entries_showed = $comments_number;}
echo "<table class=panel border=0 cellpading=0 cellspacing=0 width=99% >
<td >Showing $entries_showed comments from total $count_comments
<form action=\"?mod=moderator\" method=POST name=options_bar style=\"display:inline;\">
Comments per page
<input style=\"text-align: Center\" name=\"comments_number\" value=\"$comments_number\" type=text size=3>
<input type=submit value=\"Show\">
<input type=hidden name=action value=moderator>
<form action=\"?mod=moderator\" method=POST name=options_bar style=\"display:inline;\">
<input style=\"text-align: Center\" name=\"comments_number\" value=\"$count_comments\" type=hidden size=3>
<input type=submit value=\"Show All\">
<input type=hidden name=action value=moderator>
/////////////////////////// edit list section
echo '<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
echo '<tr><td width="100">Author/IP/Date</td><td >(News):Comment</td></tr>';
echo '</tabel><table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
//can use: {url}, {name} - author, {date}, {comment}, {ip}, {mail}, {newsid}, {comid}, {title}, {ipurl} - check ip link, {editurl} - edit comment link, {ipbanurl} - block ip link, {delete} = delete link {addurl} - add replay link
if($member_db[1] == 1)
$ctemplate = '<tr valign="top">
<td width="100" bgcolor={bg}><div style="padding:5px; margin:5px;">{name}
<td ><div style="padding:5px; margin:5px;" class=panel>({title}): {comment}<hr>{editurl} + {ipbanurl} + {delete} + {addurl} + {banuser} {mailurl}</div></td>
elseif($member_db[1] == 2)
$ctemplate = '<tr valign="top" >
<td width="100" bgcolor={bg}><br/>{name}
<td width="505"><br/><div style="padding:5px; margin:5px;" class=panel>({title}): {comment}<hr>{editurl} + {ipbanurl} + {delete} + {addurl} {mailurl}</div></td>
$ctemplate = '<tr valign="top" >
<td width="100" bgcolor={bg}><br/>{name}
<td width="505"><br/><div style="padding:5px; margin:5px;" class=panel>({title}): {comment}<hr>{addurl} {mailurl}</div></td>
// end editing
$comm_num = $config_comments_per_page;
if($archive == "" or !$archive){
$news_file = "$cutepath/data/news.txt";
$comm_file = "$cutepath/data/comments.txt";
$news_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$";
$comm_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$archive.comments.arch";
die("Archive varialbe is invalid");
$latest_comments = array_fill(1, $comments_number, array('newsid'=>'0','comid'=>'0','name'=>'','mail'=>'','ip'=>'','comment'=>''));
function check_latest_comment($comment_line, $newsid){
global $latest_comments;
$tmp_latest_comments = $latest_comments;
$comment_arr = explode("|", $comment_line);
foreach($latest_comments as $key=>$latest_comment){
if($latest_comment['comid'] < $comment_arr[0]){
$previous = $latest_comments[$key];
foreach($latest_comments as $my_key=>$latest_comment_arr){
if($key < $my_key){
$current = $latest_comments[$my_key];
$latest_comments[$my_key] = $previous;
$previous = $current;
$latest_comments[$key] = array(
'newsid' => $newsid,
'comid' => $comment_arr[0],
'name' => $comment_arr[1],
'mail' => $comment_arr[2],
'ip' => $comment_arr[3],
'comment'=> $comment_arr[4],
$all_comments = file("$comm_file");
foreach($all_comments as $comment_line) {
$comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
$newsid = $comment_line_arr[0];
$comment_arr = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
foreach($comment_arr as $single_comment)
check_latest_comment($single_comment, $newsid);
foreach($latest_comments as $comment){
$output = $ctemplate;
if ($comment['name']){
$title = get_title($comment['newsid'], $news_file); //make sure path is passed to prevent open errors
$output = str_replace("{editurl}", "Edit", $output);
$output = str_replace("{addurl}", "Add reply", $output);
$output = str_replace("{ipurl}", "[url=]{ip}[/url]", $output);
$output = str_replace("{ipbanurl}", "[url=]Block ip[/url]", $output);
$output = str_replace("{delete}", "[url=]Delete[/url]", $output);
$output = str_replace("{banuser}", "[url=]Ban user[/url]", $output);
if( $comment['mail'] != "none"){$output = str_replace("{mailurl}", "+ [url=]send e-mail[/url]", $output);}
else {$output = str_replace("{mailurl}", "", $output);}
$tnum = countComments($comment['newsid'], $archive);
if($comm_num == 0){
$tnum = 0;
$tnum = ($tnum / $comm_num);
$tnum = ereg_replace("\.(.*)","",$tnum);
$tnum = ($tnum * $comm_num);
$output = str_replace("{start}", $tnum, $output);
$output = str_replace("{name}", $comment['name'], $output);
$output = str_replace("{title}", $title, $output);
$output = str_replace("{mail}", $comment['mail'], $output);
$output = str_replace("{ip}", $comment['ip'], $output);
$output = str_replace("{comment}", $comment['comment'], $output);
$output = str_replace("{date}", date($date_format, $comment['comid']), $output);
$output = str_replace("{newsid}", $comment['newsid'], $output);
$output = str_replace("{comid}", $comment['comid'], $output);
if($flag == 1){ $output = str_replace("{bg}", "#F7F6F4", $output); $flag = 0; }
else { $output = str_replace("{bg}", "#ffffff", $output); $flag = 1; }
echo $output . "\n";
echo '</table>';
/////////////////// cutenews copyrigths
// Delete Comment
elseif($action == "doeditcomment")
if($member_db[1] > 2 ){ msg("error", "Access Denied", "You don't have permission for this section"); }
$news_file = "./data/news.txt";
$com_file = "./data/comments.txt";
$old_com = file("$com_file");
$new_com = fopen("$com_file","w");
foreach($old_com as $line)
$line_arr = explode("|>|",$line);
if($line_arr[0] == $newsid)
$comments = explode("||", $line_arr[1]);
foreach($comments as $single_comment)
$single_comment = trim($single_comment);
$comment_arr = explode("|", $single_comment);
if($comment_arr[0] == $comid and $comment_arr[0] != "" and $delcomid != "all")
elseif($delcomid[$comment_arr[0]] != 1 and $comment_arr[0] != "" and $delcomid[all] != 1){
else{ fwrite($new_com, "$line"); }
if(isset($deletecomment) and $delcomid[all] == 1){ msg("info", "Comments Deleted", "All comments were deleted.", "$PHP_SELF?mod=moderator&action=moderator"); }
elseif(isset($deletecomment) and isset($delcomid)){ msg("info", "Comment Deleted", "The selected comment(s) has been deleted.", "$PHP_SELF?mod=moderator&action=moderator"); }
else{ echo"
<center>Comment is saved."; }
// Add Replay form
if($action == "editcomment")
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-2\">
<title>Add comment</title>
<style type=\"text/css\">
SELECT, option, textarea, input {
BORDER-RIGHT: #808080 1px dotted;
BORDER-TOP: #808080 1px dotted;
BORDER-BOTTOM: #808080 1px dotted;
BORDER-LEFT: #808080 1px dotted;
COLOR: #000000;
FONT-SIZE: 11px;
TD {text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt;}
BODY {text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 3pt;}
.header { font-size : 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #808080; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none; }
<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
<form method=post action=\"$PHP_SELF\">
<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
<td width=\"1108\" height=\"8%\" colspan=\"2\">
<div class=header>ADD Comment</div>
<td height=20 valign=middle width=\"102\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
<td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
<input type=hidden name=\"poster\" value=\"$member_db[2]\">$member_db[2]
<td height=20 valign=middle width=\"102\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
<td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
<textarea rows=\"8\" name=\"comment\" cols=\"45\"></textarea>
<td valign=\"top\" width=\"1104\" colspan=\"2\">
<p align=\"left\">
<input type=submit value=\"Add Comment\" accesskey=\"s\">
<input type=button value=Cencel onClick=\"window.close();\" accesskey=\"c\">
<input type=hidden name=mod value=moderator>
<input type=hidden name=newsid value=$newsid>
<input type=hidden name=action value=addcomment>
///////////////////////////////// Save Reply
elseif($action == "addcomment")
$com_file = "./data/comments.txt";
$comment = str_replace("\r\n","
$comment = str_replace("|","I",$comment);
$time = time()+($config_date_adjust*60);
if($comment == "" ){ die("comment can not be blank [url=]+ Back[/url]</div>"); }
////////////////////////// Get IP
if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) {$ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");}
elseif(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) {$ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");}
elseif(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")){ $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");}
else {$ip = "not detected";}
$old_com = file("$com_file");
$new_com = fopen("$com_file","w");
@flock ($new_com,2);
$found = FALSE;
foreach($old_com as $old_comments_line)
$old_comments_arr = explode("|>|", $old_comments_line);
if($old_comments_arr[0] == $newsid)
$old_comments_arr[1] = trim($old_comments_arr[1]);
fwrite($new_com, "$old_comments_arr[0]|>|$old_comments_arr[1]$time;|$poster|none|$ip|$comment||\n");
$found = TRUE;
<center><b>Comment is saved.<br/><input type=button value=Close onClick=\"window.close();\" accesskey=\"c\">";
fwrite($new_com, $old_comments_line);
if(!$found){/* // do not add comment if News ID is not found \\ fwrite($new_comments, "$id|>|$time|$name|$mail|$ip|$comments||\n");*/ }
@flock ($new_com,3);
//////// functions /////////////////////////
function get_title($id, $mPath){
$all_news = file("$mPath");
foreach ($all_news as $news) {
$news_arr = explode("|", $news);
if ($news_arr[0] == "$id") {
$title = $news_arr[2];
$title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>","",$title); // incase there is html tags
$title = str_stop($title, 40); // keep the title length under 40 chars, edit to taste
return $title;
function str_stop($string, $max_length){
if (strlen($string) > $max_length){
$string = substr($string, 0, $max_length);
$pos = strrpos($string, " ");
if ($pos === false) {
return substr($string, 0, $max_length)." ..";
return substr($string, 0, $pos)." ..";
return $string;