Topic: captcha problem. Plz help!

Hey everuone, I need your help with captcha

I didnot undertand where I have to put this part of code and in which file exactly -

second i put - {captcha-img} - tag in comment form in template.

So when i fill out comment form i get that error - Fatal error: Class 'PhpCaptcha' not found in /home/bunin31/public_html/news/inc/ on line 335

help me plz and sorry for bad english!)

2 (edited by 2012-02-20 17:32:22)

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

The error Class 'PhpCaptcha' not found is because you didn't add the require_once code you posted. That code belongs at the very top (this is important) of the page in which you have CuteNews. If you're using show_news.php directly, add it there. Otherwise to your news.php or what the name of your file may be. Just the file where you wrote something like <?php

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

What version are you using? Seems to be 1.4.x - please consider using UTF-8 CuteNews instead, there is a built in captcha function.

The require_once code has to be placed in show_news.php and show_archives.php I think. The fatal error should be gone after you've added that code.

it's 1.4.6 ver. I didnt undarstand how to upgrade my ver. to new.

I did all what write here: put the code in the top of show_news.php and got this - Warning: require_once(./captcha/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bunin31/public_html/news/show_news.php on line 2

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

Now its working - i can add comments smile
But here is another probler: in the top of topic a have this- Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/bunin31/public_html/blog.php:11) in /home/bunin31/public_html/news/captcha/ on line 46

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

I did all what write here:

Those instructions are for UTF-8 CuteNews 9.
You are using Cutenews 1.4.6. ?
Perhaps (lKj) may be able to say of you can use that version of Captcha with Cutenews1.4.6

For 1.4.6 you may be able to use this version:;p=93067

We spent a lot of time trying to get this to work but the whole topic has been deleted.
You need one version if you are using multiple includes. Another version if you are using a single include.
Download the corrrect version and follow the instructions.
The multiple version will not work with popup comments.
Even then it may not work on some servers. You must have the GD2 library installed on your server.
The captcha iself is from an external source and is a very old version. I have been unable to get it to work on two of my servers despite a lot of effort trying.
You could also try one of these:

6 (edited by 2012-02-21 07:11:58)

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

Oh, right, thanks Damoor - I guess the topic starter is using CuteNews, as said in post #4. This doesn't work with any of the CuteNews series, because I've already added the necessary code for the image captcha in the files of UTF-8 CuteNews.

The error in post #4 means the file can't be found. Try something like ./cutenews/captcha/... or wherever the file is located.

The error in post #5 sounds like you've managed to get the file to work, but you didn't add the code at the very top. That's absolutely crucial. If you're using CuteNews 1.4.6 it will not produce any errors, but you'll find that you can add anything you want in the captcha and it'll work.

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

The error in post #4 means the file can't be found. Try something like ./cutenews/captcha/... or wherever the file is located.

did it. and nothing!  still have a error message

The error in post #5 sounds like you've managed to get the file to work, but you didn't add the code at the very top. That's absolutely crucial. If you're using CuteNews 1.4.6 it will not produce any errors, but you'll find that you can add anything you want in the captcha and it'll work.

I added the code in the top of show_news.php

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

i installed 1.4.7 vers.
is there spam protection only in paid version???

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

If you look at the third screenshot on the front page it clearly shows a captcha on the comments form.

An example screenshot of the comment form, this is how your visitors can add comments to your articles.

Very  misleading to new users!
Needs fixing 'Saxar' 'Support Team'.

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

No, the spam protection is only included in (lKj)'s UTF-8 CuteNews version:
If you've just started with CuteNews or you haven't used hacks, please use the UTF-8 version instead and ignore the update hint.

i installed UTF version and this problem i've in this version(((

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

To Damoor: all of screenshots at our home page have already been replaced by the images from latest CuteNews 1.4.7.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

all of screenshots at our home page have already been replaced

Well done, a quick response!

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

Hey everuone, I need your help with captcha

I didnot undertand where I have to put this part of code and in which file exactly -

second i put - {captcha-img} - tag in comment form in template.

So when i fill out comment form i get that error - Fatal error: Class 'PhpCaptcha' not found in /home/bunin31/public_html/news/inc/ on line 335

help me plz and sorry for bad english!)


require_once('absolute path/captcha/');


Re: captcha problem. Plz help!


My question borders this thread so I figured posting it right here. I have implemented 1.4.6 cutenews with UTF-8 9.0.1 and I'm trying to figure out why the comment posting image captcha isn't displaying.

Captcha.php only returns a broken image after inserting {captcha-img} in the comment posting template. The server supports GD libs, I've already ruled this out. The problem isn't with filepaths either, is being included successfully. I've taken all the steps from the implementation instructions as well as tried different versions of the captcha files with no luck.

Could it be a font or font path issue? Is there anything specific I should be looking at to try to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!


require_once('absolute path/captcha/');

write exactly that - absolute path???

16 (edited by 2012-02-22 11:56:23)

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

ZTG, a link to your website would be very useful. It could be that something is wrong and that PHP is suppressing the errors for one, or that the captcha image is not being displayed because it's doing some weird stuff.

dymofff, no, the absolute path meaning something like the correct path to the file. If, when you write require_once('./captcha/');, it has an error message that says "failed to open stream: No such file or directory" it means exactly that - you're telling PHP to look for a file that doesn't exist.


EDIT: Actually, based on your error message you had posted at the beginning, we can tell you that the following code will work in any file:


However - this is important! - don't add this code to show_news.php if you're displaying CuteNews in another file with something like


The code above needs to be added at the very beginning of that file. Otherwise you will get the error you had in post #5 again. This appears to be a file called blog.php on your website. The code needs to go in there.

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

If you are using the 1.4.6 Captcha hack files from here:;#entry93067
then check that you have uploaded the captcha directory with the files captcha.php, and VeraMoBd.tff to your news directory. You also need the modified file that is included in the download.
For the 1.4.6 hack you need to use {captcha} in your template not {captcha-img}

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

thanks for help every1!!! I'm idiot))) Specially thx to (lKj)
the mistake was here - i added the code in show_news.php!!!! Damn idiot)))
But should put it just in blog.php page.

Thank one more time

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

hey guys pls help? T_T
i'd like to know how to fix this one:

CuteNews did not added your comment because there is some problem with the comments database.

you see whenever i add a comment on my post it appears instead
i have this spam protection before from funimation w/ a random bot word
but i have updated from 1.4.6 to 1.4.7
and i got this error too:

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_brldfe4t17cv3d2lo6cplgep54, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

gee, can this be fixed?

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

hey guys pls help? T_T
i'd like to know how to fix this one:

CuteNews did not added your comment because there is some problem with the comments database.

you see whenever i add a comment on my post it appears instead
i have this spam protection before from funimation w/ a random bot word
but i have updated from 1.4.6 to 1.4.7
and i got this error too:

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_brldfe4t17cv3d2lo6cplgep54, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

gee, can this be fixed?

Dear User!

Please would you specify the following:

1) What rights have you got on the file  <CUTEPHP PATH>/data/comments.txt ?
2) What plug-in (hack) do you use, and whether is it switched on, or off?

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

1) You mean this? I opened the comments.txt file and it is blank.

2) I used this → Hack Name: Spam protection with random bot word

22 (edited by 2012-03-24 04:44:06)

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

You could try adding

session_save_path(realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . '/../session'));

in top of the php file that has your include code, after the session_start(); that was added in the hack... A bit of a long shot, but it seems your session aren't really being stored in the right directory (in your case, /tmp is where is trying to save it)... A php.ini problem, might not be so fun to solve, hopefully the above will help...

If the above does not work, and if you have access to your server files, you can look around in the php folder to see if there is a tmp folder, and what is it permission settings...

23 (edited by 2012-03-24 16:41:11)

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

I think you can also replace session_start();

<?php session_start(); ?>


<?php session_save_path(“/tmp”); session_start(); ?>

If the /tmp file did not already exist you would also get the error
Warning: Unknown(): open(/tmp/sess_**********, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory

Could be that your /tmp is full and the sessions need clearing.
Are you running another other scripts that use sessions?

24 (edited by 2012-03-28 01:31:27)

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

thanks guys! my only problem now is regarding the Spam protection with random bot word wherein you can see in my cutenews blog at it says Type {bot-word} in the box : instead of the bot-word itself

ohh and i have just upgraded to the latest version of cutenews

Re: captcha problem. Plz help!

hey guys I have UTF-.8 and my problem is that when I post a comment it brings me to the homepage not in the fullstory to the comment I've published.
How can I fix this?

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