1 (edited by 2012-06-11 21:29:47)

Topic: Problem when I click next news

I separated the news in three categories, each category is a place on site, category1, category2, and Category3, and when I click "next >>" to see the next news, changes the  news all categories, how to solve that?

was supposed to be like this:
I clicked on next >>  in category1, and change the news just of category1 ...

Thank you so much

i use this code:


$number = 1;
$category = 1;


$number = 1;
$category = 2;


$number = 1;
$category = 3;

Re: Problem when I click next news


Re: Problem when I click next news

Dear User,
Unfortunately, such functionality is not supported by CuteNews 1.4.7. One of the ways to solve this problem can consist in the using IFRAME for each category. This problem will be fully solved only in future versions.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Problem when I click next news

my problem is even more basic than that...  I have news setup in two different catgegories...  4 and 18  #4 has six news reports and 18 has three...
However. both of these code scripts returns all nine news reports...

For Category ID 4

$categoty = "4";
$number = "2";

For Catetory ID 18

$categoty = "18";
$number = "2";

What am I doing wrong....  All I want is for just the news for each category when it is selected...otherwise, the $category varaible serves no purpose...  ANY  HELP Out There????

Re: Problem when I click next news

$categoty = "4";
Did you really spell it like that?

Re: Problem when I click next news

$categoty = "4";
Did you really spell it like that?

Yep....  The Fat fingers did it again...

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