Topic: Multiple Templates on the same page

Good evening,

I am having an issue incorporating multiple news feed on the same page. The issue is I need both feeds to have different templates.


Both of these "feeds" are on the same page:



But the issue is the second feed is referring back to the first template, "Custom", where I want it to refer to "NewResults".

Was wondering if this is possible to fix?

Thanks regardless

Re: Multiple Templates on the same page

Please write down the cutenews version you use.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Multiple Templates on the same page

Please write down the cutenews version you use.

CuteNews v1.5.0


Re: Multiple Templates on the same page

Last week we posted the updated CuteNews here;...t&amp;p=155295), the problem was solved.

Try to download new archive and install it.

Best regards,
CN Support team