Topic: Visit Counter

Hi, how can i get a visit counter for my blog posts? There was a hack to get it--->here:  But it's not longer working on 1.5 version since the file has changed. Does anybody have any ideas?


Re: Visit Counter

Update ./core/core.php with the file git
Then in the folder cdata/plugins/ create the file usersonline.php - it will be a plug-in for user counting.
The code is detached.

Best regards,
CN Support team

3 (edited by 2012-09-14 19:33:47)

Re: Visit Counter

Update ./core/core.php with the file git
Then in the folder cdata/plugins/ create the file usersonline.php - it will be a plug-in for user counting.
The code is detached.

Hi, thanks very much for your reply. Does this hack count only the people that are online? does it count the total number of the people who actualy read the post? How do i include it in the post? thanks again


Re: Visit Counter

A hack has become a plug-in. It's the main difference. Other things kept the same.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Visit Counter

A hack has become a plug-in. It's the main difference. Other things kept the same.

Not working, i get this message back

Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_request() in /home/eaglesma/public_html/articoli/show_news.php on line 37

Any idea?

Re: Visit Counter

Try to update.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Visit Counter

hi, i did update.. but now no articles are longer showed and on the login page i've got back this message:

You're banned! Estimate time to unblock 59 m. after

Re: Visit Counter

Thank you for this bug noticed. Delete from cdata/ipban.db.php the line that starts with your IP adress ot you can clean ipban.db.php and then try to log in again.
And change thee file  index.php witht he following one

Best regards,
CN Support team

9 (edited by 2013-03-16 17:38:03)

Re: Visit Counter

Thank you for this bug noticed. Delete from cdata/ipban.db.php the line that starts with your IP adress ot you can clean ipban.db.php and then try to log in again.
And change thee file  index.php witht he following one

The plugin userlonline work but when i add the plugin, impossible to log in... any ideas ?

I use cutenews 1.5.3 and the file useronline.php

Re: Visit Counter

Nobody ?

Re: Visit Counter


I explain me more clearly (sorry for bad english).

Useronline is used on CN 1.5.3, it works. But on CN, when i log out, i can't add, edit news etc because i m disconnected of CN. When I delete useronline.php in the plugins manager, I can log in...

Re: Visit Counter


I explain me more clearly (sorry for bad english).

Useronline is used on CN 1.5.3, it works. But on CN, when i log out, i can't add, edit news etc because i m disconnected of CN. When I delete useronline.php in the plugins manager, I can log in...

Delete the space after the characters ?> in the end, or remove it completely ?> to fix the bug.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Visit Counter

Thanks you, it works !

14 (edited by 2013-03-27 16:56:24)

Re: Visit Counter

Hi Support,

It works but the counter.txt reset because of many connections... how to fix it ? a solution to consolidate the file .txt ???

Thanks you for your help...

Re: Visit Counter

Hi developpers and Support,

Is it possible to make a system flat file who doens't reset ? I think a hit views was a marvelous plug-in ? Could you think it's possible to realize it ?

Re: Visit Counter

Hi everyone and support team,

Sorry but I've tested the plugin useronline and doesn't work. The counter remove it to 0 (file counter.txt) when many users connects to a news... Could you look at this ? thanks you for your help.

Re: Visit Counter


No solution for this problem ?

Thanks you for your help.

Re: Visit Counter

Thank you support team this was exactly what I was looking for. PS names Eric hello all. Just installed cutePHP so I'm sure I'll have some questions in the near future.

Re: Visit Counter


No solution for this problem ?

Thanks you for your help.

Try the updated plug-in.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Visit Counter


Thanks, the file is installed and I'll go back in few days to say if it's ok or not.

Thanks for your effort by the way.

Re: Visit Counter

Hi Support Team,

Sorry, same problem with this new file. Reset to 0 this morning hmm

Thanks you for your help...

Re: Visit Counter

Check if the files can be created in the directory  cdata (cdata is chmod 777?)

Best regards,
CN Support team

23 (edited by 2013-05-15 13:01:39)

Re: Visit Counter

yes for the chmod (but 604) but the file counter.txt is written with news ID, IP etc

but in case, I chmod it now 755 (with, chmod 777 is not permitted, error 500, the max is 755), so I'll go back with the result in few hours probably.

Thanks you

Re: Visit Counter

Hi support,

Sorry but it doesn't work... reset at this time... hmm

25 (edited by 2013-05-17 14:33:41)

Re: Visit Counter

I don't think the problem is the chmod because the files counter.txt and are created...