Yes, currently (1.5.3), only month names are translatable. But if you're not scared to open a file and change some lines, we can add translatable weekdays
Open /core/core.php and find: (line 1200 - 1215)
<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>function embedateformat($timestamp, $output)
// Months
if ( preg_match_all('~{month(\|.*?)?}~i', $output, $monthd, PREG_SET_ORDER) )
foreach ($monthd as $v)
if (empty($v[1])) $output = str_replace($v[0], date('F', $timestamp), $output);
$monthlist = spsep(substr($v[1], 1));
$output = str_replace($v[0], $monthlist[date('n', $timestamp)-1], $output);
// Others parameters
$output = str_replace('{weekday}', date('l', $timestamp), $output);</div>
Remove the last line (with {weekday} in it)
Below. add the following code (where you removed the line):
<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'> // Weekdays
if ( preg_match_all('~{weekday(\|.*?)?}~i', $output, $weekd, PREG_SET_ORDER) )
foreach ($weekd as $v)
if (empty($v[1])) $output = str_replace($v[0], date('l', $timestamp), $output);
$weeklist = spsep(substr($v[1], 1));
$output = str_replace($v[0], $weeklist[date('w', $timestamp)], $output);
I tested it, works like a charm.
Warning: The week starts with Sunday! So you would have something like
This will accept both {weekday} or {weekday|zondag,...}. Veel geluk!