Topic: Is there a way to integrate the headlines on another page ?


I place cutenews on a folder of my website :

Then I integrated the headlines into a page called index.php (

Is there a way to make the link point to instead of

I would like to manually enter the "THENAMETHATIWANT.php" in the code but I don't know where to put this.

Thank you

Re: Is there a way to integrate the headlines on another page ?

Для этого воспользуйтесь переменной $PHP_SELF. Перед включением скрипта отображения новостей
    поместите в $PHP_SELF путь до скрипта, на который будет происходить переход. Ниже пример:
For this use $PHP_SELF. Before opening the news script put the trace to script  where the transition will happen, in  $PHP_SELF. An example:

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CN Support team