Topic: 1.5.2 åäö isn't working!

Hi! I've downloaded cutenews 1.5.2 & installed it like I did with 1.4.7 back in the days. Everything works like it should but not åäö. There's questionmarks instead. Any idea why?

I've saved the file in utf-8 and everything like that!

Re: 1.5.2 åäö isn't working!

Hi! I've downloaded cutenews 1.5.2 & installed it like I did with 1.4.7 back in the days. Everything works like it should but not åäö. There's questionmarks instead. Any idea why?

I've saved the file in utf-8 and everything like that!

hey there,

use this code instead of utf-8 in the <head> of your page. should working

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />



Re: 1.5.2 åäö isn't working!

Try in Options > System Configurations enter your codepage

"Frontend default codepage" = for example, iso-8859-1
Also,  "Use UTF-8" = No
Don't convert UTF8 symbols to HTML entities (No)

These options return Cutenews 1.5.2 from UTF-8 mode to server coding by default.

Best regards,
CN Support team