1 (edited by 2013-01-31 19:28:00)

Topic: News post problem


i am new with using CuteNews and i installed it on my website.

Now i am ready to post my first news on the site using CuteNews but after creating the news and i click "add news" it returns with the following errormessage:

The selected news item cannot be found | Go back

I can't seem to find a solution to this problem.

Who can assist me in finding the solution?



Re: News post problem


i am new with using CuteNews and i installed it on my website.

Now i am ready to post my first news on the site using CuteNews but after creating the news and i click "add news" it returns with the following errormessage:

The selected news item cannot be found | Go back

I can't seem to find a solution to this problem.

Who can assist me in finding the solution?



which version do you use? are the news-files writable on your server?

Re: News post problem

I had the same problem - I've just installed CN 5.2.

news.txt was set to 644, but I CHMOD'd it to 777 and the problem was solved

However this file wasn't picked up in the list of incorrect permission seetings that I received when I first logged on to the new version, so you might want to consider adding a check for the permission settings on news.txt to a future version

Cheers!   https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif