Topic: Highslide with ckeditor in Cutenews 1.5

How to add Highslide into Cutenews 1.5 with CKeditor.

1. Download the highslide plugin from

2. Upload highslide folder to  cutenews/core/ckeditor/plugins/

3. Configure in cutenews/skins/base_skin/addnews/index_cke.tpl
Add to
toolbar: [
a value 'highslide'


4. In cutenews/skins/base_skin/addnews/index_cke.tpl
   Add the extra plugin 'highslide' after:
entities_greek: false,

extraPlugins: 'highslide',

5. Do the same two modifications as in 3 & 4 above  in cutenews/skins/base_skin/editnews/editnews/index_cke.tpl

6. Modify cutenews/core/ckeditor/plugins/highslide/js/main.js
   Just the line:

hs.graphicsDir = '/cutenews/core/ckeditor/plugins/highslide/js/graphics/';

Note 1: If you upgrade cutenews using the built-in upgrade function you will need to put back the changes in both templates  index_cke.tpl

Note2: Ignore the readme in the downloaded highslide folder. You do not need to alter the ckeditor/config.js file. Cutenews does not use this.

Note 3; You can add/delete Highslide functions in:
cutenews/core/ckeditor/plugins/highslide/js/main.js  e.g.

        hs.align = 'center';
    hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade'];
    hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
    hs.wrapperClassName = 'controls-in-heading';

        hs.align = 'center';
    hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade'];
    hs.wrapperClassName = 'dark borderless';
    hs.fadeInOut = true;
    hs.dimmingOpacity = .75;