Topic: Pro license purchasing problem
So I tried contacting support a while ago about retrieving lost log in information because I couldn't do forgot password. I got a response but once I explained that I already paid for a pro license and I just wanted to know how to get my registration thing again, I didn't get a reply.
Not sure if it got lost in their spam or whatever, but I figured my purchase was a couple of years ago and they probably don't have the details anymore.
So I tried purchasing a pro license again.. and I couldn't. I got an error saying "We were unable to verify that the information you entered on the order form is valid." and an order ID number. I used the contact form ( to contact support about it and didn't hear anything back.
So I tried again today, and it didn't work.. got the same error and an order ID. I clicked the link on the same page to send an email about it.
But does anyone else have this problem or know what I should do? I REALLY like CuteNews' simplicity, but at this point I'm not sure what to do.