Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

look for the hack.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews


While using CuteNews for quite a long time, I’ve been cooking up some wishes for future versions. I've been following the forum for a while, and I know some of my wishes has been discussed several times... Here's my two cents though.

* MySQL support (for those who wants it) along with the existing file storage. I’ve read a lot of posts regarding this topic, mostly concluding that MySQL will not be released in the nearest future. For security reasons MySQL has a major advantage compared to file storage. My existing CuteNews installation got hacked a couple of months ago, and as far as I can see, it can happen again. Further more, writing plug-ins and collecting data from MySQL will be easier, at least for my self, as my SQL knowledge reaches far, far beyond my PHP knowledge.

* Advanced categorizing. Ability to show all news, disregarding categories, i.e. on a front page.
Example: I have three categories, “1”, “2” and “3” in my CuteNews installation. With ie…


… I want to show latest X news (or all) from both “1”, “2” and “3”.

* Built-in auto-archive (if wanted), i.e. per month. Enable / disable through the system configurations. Perhaps even selectable for each category.

* Ability to show X latest comments, even if the commented post is not displayed on the front page.

* Use a permalink feature to make shorter and more sexy URL’s.

* Possibly a spam filter for the comment function.

* RSS support, not just only for 0.91. Perhaps even Atom? How about separating news and comments in two separate feeds?

* A search function?


1. A code for disabling comment on just one post.
2. Short url link - if someone is going to give you a link(it must be short).
3. A bit smaller emoticons(smilies).
4. A theme switcher and where you can create a site theme(Like Word press - But an easy one LOL).

I wish you can add those new features for the new version of Cutenews!

- Shaine

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I would like to see some sort of template builder, as right now i'm having to edit it in Dreamweaver and it gets... Messy.
So if there is one or someone could make one, that'd be super!

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

How about some sort of alert for when somebody comments your news. Say the comment would be posted under a certain topic/admin post.

I have news from 2 months ago Ill get a comment and won't know it, that is unless I decide to go in my admin pannel and scope for new comments.

Have an option to have a poll of sorts.

have like a digg or kudo's feature found in myspace

better image placement options for people inept with code

ability to have icons rather then text for things like "click full story" "comment" Have an option to have icon version. and then people who don't like the icons can just switch them out with something else, kind of how you can switch the smilies.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

How about some sort of alert for when somebody comments your news. Say the comment would be posted under a certain topic/admin post.

I have news from 2 months ago Ill get a comment and won't know it, that is unless I decide to go in my admin pannel and scope for new comments.

Have an option to have a poll of sorts.

have like a digg or kudo's feature found in myspace

better image placement options for people inept with code

ability to have icons rather then text for things like "click full story" "comment" Have an option to have icon version. and then people who don't like the icons can just switch them out with something else, kind of how you can switch the smilies.

281 (edited by 2008-05-05 04:02:57)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

add a feature where you can change the time on your cutenews(on the home page and on posts) according to that persons timezone and haveing the option to turn DST on or off, like what most Messages boards have.  also add the timezone-change and date-change feature to the 'edit posts' so ppl wont have to screw around with the coding to add a extra script to it.  the feature will already be included with the future versions.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Please fix a MAJOR BUG in your postponed news feature... its unreliable, items disapear or get posted in random order....


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

There are two things needed to make CuteNews even better.

1. Captcha as a default option in CN. Not as an extra addon that you have to install. CN is easily the best news management script that's available, but the problem with spam is just ridiculous. You don't even have to have a big site to have this problem. I have about 500 visitors per day, and I can easily get over 100 spam comments in a single day. It just adds on a lot of extra unwanted work. And there aren't any other options out there that are as good as CN - so I don't want to change software.

2. Search engine friendly url's. This needs to be a default option in CN. Instead of the long complicated url's that says nothing about what the page is about, we should be able to choose to use something like The best would be to have it kind of like WordPress, where you can choose how you want the url's to look like - include category name, time, date, title, etc.

With these two options, CN would be the ultimate news management system. And I'm definitely willing to pay a little more than the license fee to get these two options in the next release.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Unfortunatly cutenews will never have those. And never be perfect, as no on works on it anymore.


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Hello smile

I have a wish too ^^
I would be very happy, if an article could saved with a password which I can decide for every new entry...


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

a recapcha add. so i dont have to use any recapcha hacks..
my head just keep spinnging around


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

i would like a calender page in the cutephp...

just a table with the month that will show events of that month

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

the captha thingy woud be perfect, Im tired of removing all the spam every day

289 (edited by 2008-09-02 18:33:22)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

You can install a captcha yourself rather then deleteing the spam o.O
Look in the Problem Solving / Help & Support

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

You can install a captcha yourself rather then deleteing the spam o.O
Look in the Problem Solving / Help & Support

I tried, I even tried different ways of installing captcha, but i must do something wrong bc I never works

thats why a built-in feature would be great

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I wish for cutenews' next version is to have ALL THE HACKS added already and then, it's up to the administrator which of those he/she wants to use. Example, there's these check boxes of hacks or simply a list of hacks. When we want to add the hack in our cutenews, we just simply check the box/boxes accordingly.

A lot have been going through a rough time adding hacks because the codes mess up and sometimes, the codes just don't work.


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Might be some issues in using someone elses code and adding a copyright to it and selling it (along with cutenews, I mean)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I wish for cutenews' next version is to have ALL THE HACKS added already and then, it's up to the administrator which of those he/she wants to use. Example, there's these check boxes of hacks or simply a list of hacks. When we want to add the hack in our cutenews, we just simply check the box/boxes accordingly.

A lot have been going through a rough time adding hacks because the codes mess up and sometimes, the codes just don't work.

It's not a hack if it's included.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

You done great job! Thank alot.