Topic: [HACK] Threaded comments
Name: Nested comments
Author: FUNimations
CuteNews Compatibility: 1.3.6. - * (no incompatibility reported yet)
Description: Alow people to comment on comments.
before we start let me point you out the following
This forum splits long lines into 2 lines. So
It must be 1 line when you paste it so check this.
1. open
$mail = trim($mail);
add below
//Nested Comments//
if( (string)$_POST['replyID'] == "false" )
$post_id = (int) $_POST['id']; // Yes it's stupid how I didn't thought about this :/
$post_id = (int) $_POST['replyID'];
//Nested Comments
$mail = replace_comment("add", preg_replace("/\n/", "",$mail));
add below
//Nested comments//
$replyID = $_POST['replyID'];
$subID = $_POST['subID'];
//Nested comments//
// Add The Comment ... Go Go GO!
add above<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>//################################################################################
// Add Nested Comment
if(isset($_POST['replyID']) && (string)$_POST['replyID'] !== "false")
// Add Blank Comment In The Active_Comments_File
$all_comments = file($comm_file);
$new_com_db = fopen($comm_file, "w");
foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
$comment_line = trim($comment_line);
$comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
if((int)$_POST['subID'] == (int)$comment_line_arr[0])
$individual_comments = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
$output = $_POST['subID']."|>|";
foreach($individual_comments as $comment)
$comment_arr = explode("|", $comment);
if( !empty($comment_arr[0] ) && $comment_arr[5] == "empty" && (int)$comment_arr[0] == (int)$_POST['replyID'])
fwrite($new_com_db, $_POST['replyID']."|>|\n");
$comment_arr[5] = $_POST['replyID'];
$output .= implode( "|",$comment_arr )."||";
elseif( !empty($comment_arr[0] ) )
$output .= $comment."||";
fwrite($new_com_db, $output."\n");
fwrite($new_com_db, $comment_line."\n");
// Add The Comment ... Go Go GO!
$old_comments = file("$comm_file");
$new_comments = fopen("$comm_file", "w");
@flock ($new_comments,2);
$found = FALSE;
foreach($old_comments as $old_comments_line)
$old_comments_arr = explode("|>|", $old_comments_line);
if($old_comments_arr[0] == $id)
$old_comments_arr[1] = trim($old_comments_arr[1]);
fwrite($new_comments, "$old_comments_arr[0]|>|$old_comments_arr[1]$time|$name|$mail|$ip|$comments||\n");
$found = TRUE;
fwrite($new_comments, $old_comments_line);
//if we do not have the news ID in the comments.txt we are not doing anything (see comment below) (must make sure the news ID is valid)
/* // do not add comment if News ID is not found \\ fwrite($new_comments, "$id|>|$time|$name|$mail|$ip|$comments||\n");*/
echo("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">CuteNews did not added your comment because there is some problem with the comments database.
[url=]go back[/url]</div>");
break 1;
@flock ($new_comments,3);
replace with
// Add The Comment ... Go Go GO!
$old_comments = file("$comm_file");
$new_comments = fopen("$comm_file", "w");
@flock ($new_comments,2);
$found = FALSE;
foreach($old_comments as $old_comments_line)
$old_comments_arr = explode("|>|", $old_comments_line);
//Nested Comments//
if($old_comments_arr[0] == $post_id)
//Nested Commetns//
$old_comments_arr[1] = trim($old_comments_arr[1]);
//Nested Comments//
fwrite($new_comments, "$old_comments_arr[0]|>|$old_comments_arr[1]$time|$name|$mail|$ip|$comments|empty||\n");
//Nested Comments//
$found = TRUE;
fwrite($new_comments, $old_comments_line);
//if we do not have the news ID in the comments.txt we are not doing anything (see comment below) (must make sure the news ID is valid)
/* // do not add comment if News ID is not found \\ fwrite($new_comments, "$id|>|$time|$name|$mail|$ip|$comments||\n");*/
echo("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">CuteNews did not added your comment because there is some problem with the comments database.
[url=]go back[/url]</div>");
break 1;
@flock ($new_comments,3);
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ucat\" value=\"$ucat\" />
<input type=\"submit\" /> \n
replace with
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ucat\" value=\"$ucat\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"replyID\" value=\"$replyID\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subID\" value=\"$subID\" />
<input type=\"submit\" /> \n
next find
// Show Comments
// Prepare the Comment Pagination
and replace everything in between with
$comm_per_page = $config_comments_per_page;
$total_comments = CountComments($id);
$showed_comments = 0;
$comment_number = 0;
$showed = 0;
commentsOutput( $id, $comm_file, $id);
echo"<form $CN_remember_form method=\"post\" name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" action=\"\">".$template_form."<div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subaction\" value=\"addcomment\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ucat\" value=\"$ucat\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$show\" /><input name=\"id\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$_GET[id]\" />$user_post_query</div></form>
\n $CN_remember_include";
replace with
echo"<form $CN_remember_form method=\"post\" name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" action=\"\">".$template_form."<div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subaction\" value=\"addcomment\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ucat\" value=\"$ucat\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show\" value=\"$show\" /><input name=\"id\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$_GET[id]\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"replyID\" id=\"replyID\" value=\"false\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subID\" id=\"subID\" value=\"false\" />$user_post_query</div></form>
\n $CN_remember_include";
That's it for
2. open
find the countComments function, and replace that function with this code.
<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: CountComments
// Description: Count How Many Comments Have a Specific Article
function CountComments($id, $archive = FALSE, $result = 0){
global $cutepath;
if($cutepath == ""){ $cutepath = "."; }
if($archive and ($archive != "postponed" and $archive != "unapproved")){ $all_comments = file("$cutepath/data/archives/${archive}.comments.arch"); }
else{ $all_comments = file("$cutepath/data/comments.txt"); }
foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
$news_id = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
if($news_id[0] == $id)
$all_comments = explode("||", $news_id[1]);
foreach($all_comments as $comment)
$arr = explode("|",$comment);
if( !empty($arr[5]) )
if( $arr[5] != "empty" )
$result = CountComments( $arr[5], $archive, $result);
return $result;
next find
add above (note that the forum splits the word "javascript" into "java" & "script", this should be 1 word)<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: Comments output
// Description: for nested comments
function commentsOutput( $id, $comm_file, $subID, $margin = 0 )
global $total_comments, $showed_comments, $comment_number, $showed, $comm_per_page, $config_reverse_comments, $template_comment, $config_timestamp_comment, $comm_start_from;
$all_comments = file("$comm_file");
foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
$comment_line = trim($comment_line);
$comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
if($id == $comment_line_arr[0])
$individual_comments = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
//show the page with our new comment, if we just added one
/* causes some problems, will be updated !!!
if($allow_add_comment and true){
$comm_start_from = $total_comments-1;
if($config_reverse_comments == "yes"){
$comm_start_from = 0;
$iteration = 0;
if($config_reverse_comments == "yes"){$iteration = count($individual_comments)+1; $individual_comments = array_reverse($individual_comments); }
foreach($individual_comments as $comment)
if($config_reverse_comments == "yes") { $iteration --; }
else{ $iteration ++; }
$comment_arr = explode("|", $comment);
if($comment_arr[0] != "")
if(isset($comm_start_from) and $comm_start_from != "")
if($comment_number < $comm_start_from){ $comment_number++; commentsOutput( $comment_arr[5], $comm_file, $id, $margin + 20 ); continue; }
elseif($showed_comments == $comm_per_page){ break; }
$comment_number ++;
if($comm_per_page != 0 and $comm_per_page == $showed_comments){ break; }
$comment_arr[4] = stripslashes(rtrim($comment_arr[4]));
if($comment_arr[2] != "none")
if( preg_match("/^[\.A-z0-9_\-\+]+[@][A-z0-9_\-]+([.][A-z0-9_\-]+)+[A-z]{1,4}$/", $comment_arr[2])){ $url_target = "";$mail_or_url = "mailto:"; }
$url_target = "target=\"_blank\"";
$mail_or_url = "";
if(substr($comment_arr[2],0,3) == "www"){ $mail_or_url = "http://"; }
$output = str_replace("{author}", "".stripslashes($comment_arr[1])."", $template_comment);
else{ $output = str_replace("{author}", $comment_arr[1], $template_comment); }
$comment_arr[4] = preg_replace("/\b((http(s?):\/\/)|(www\.))([\w\.]+)([&-~\%\/\w+\.-?]+)\b/i", "[url=]$2$4$5$6[/url]", $comment_arr[4]);
$comment_arr[4] = preg_replace("/([\w\.]+)(@)([-\w\.]+)/i", "[url=]$0[/url]", $comment_arr[4]);
//Nested Comments//
$output = preg_replace("'\[replyButton\](.*?)\[/replyButton\]'si", "<input type=\"button\" value=\"\\1\" id=\"CommentReply_{comment-id}\" name=\"CommentReply_{comment-id}\" onClick=\"java script:setReplyID('{comment-id}', 'CommentReply_{comment-id}', {subID})\">", $output);
$output = str_replace("{margin}", $margin, $output);
//Nested Comments//
$output = str_replace("{mail}", "$comment_arr[2]",$output);
$output = str_replace("{date}", date($config_timestamp_comment, $comment_arr[0]),$output);
$output = str_replace("{comment-id}", $comment_arr[0],$output);
$output = str_replace("{comment}", "<a name=\"".$comment_arr[0]."\"></a>$comment_arr[4]",$output);
$output = str_replace("{comment-iteration}", $iteration ,$output);
$output = str_replace("{subID}", $id ,$output);
$output = replace_comment("show", $output);
echo $output;
//Nested comments//
if( $comment_arr[5] != "empty" )
commentsOutput( $comment_arr[5], $comm_file, $id, $margin + 20 );
//Nested comments//
3. edit the templates do that the comment sub template contains a button.
[replyButton]text of the button[/replyButton]
Next there's also the {margin} tag. With this tag you can make comments on a comment jump in. example
or use padding if you like that better.
4. now add this javascript to every page that has a CN Include.
<script type="text/javascript">
function setReplyID(id, obj, subid)
var subidinput = document.getElementById('subID');
var replyidinput = document.getElementById('replyID');
if( replyidinput.value != 'false' )
var unsetter = document.getElementById('CommentReply_' + replyidinput.value);
unsetter.value = unsetter.value.replace(/\*/gi, "");
if( replyidinput.value == id )
replyidinput.value = 'false';
subidinput.value = 'false';
replyidinput.value = id;
subidinput.value = subid;
document.getElementById(obj).value = '*' + document.getElementById(obj).value + '*';