Topic: [HACK] Random Category
Name: show news from a random category.
Author: John/Will
Contributed by: StealthEye
CuteNews Compatibility: 1.3.6 - * (no incompatibility reported yet)
Description: Make a page which shows news from 1 category, picked out of a list of different categories.
if (empty($subaction)) {
$numbers = array(x,xx,xxx,x,xx,xxx,x,xx,xxx);
$random = $numbers[rand(0,count($numbers)-1)];
$category= $random;
$template = "your-template";
$number = "xxx";
Use the above instead of your standard CN include code.
This could be useful for some people
$numbers = array(); is where you input the category ids. Might not work with subcategories but you can always try.