1 (edited by 2011-08-07 10:56:09)


It was reported that the reCaptcha which protects this forum doesn't work.
--> you can't register a new account
--> you cannot post urls in your post. A way around that is making your post, next use 'quick edit' to add your urls.

At current we (the support staff) have NO means of contacting the owners of CuteNews. We cannot give an estimate as how long it will last because of that.

We hope you understand.

If the problem isn't fixed soon, i'll see about setting up a temporary alternative way of getting help, like possibly a gmail account. Direct access to you, and a clean oversight for us (the crew).

Edit: if you can't register to the forum you can try ask for help by mailing to FUNimationsCutePHP.[at].gmail.com and repalce the [at] with @
When sending a mail, the same rules for making a topic apply: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13026
People who do have accounts are encouraged to keep posting onto the forum. This to keep discussions publicly so other can find solutions in them.
This will be a temporary measure. I don't feel that support staff should be hang out drying when such problems arise. If the owners can't fix this issue, i see no point advertissing this script and will discontinue my support. (I'm not speaking for all of the support crew)

2 (edited by 2011-08-07 15:16:37)


really hopes this gets fixed cos i can't even post a normal post, no url links in it https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif

also i'm not spamming, i was trying to post but it kept showing errors, so maybe my posts actually showed up? it kept saying it didn't work https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif