1 (edited by 2010-10-22 14:46:40)

Topic: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews


While using CuteNews for quite a long time, I've been cooking up some wishes for future versions. I've been following the forum for a while, and I know some of my wishes has been discussed several times... Here's my two cents though.

* MySQL support (for those who wants it) along with the existing file storage. I've read a lot of posts regarding this topic, mostly concluding that MySQL will not be released in the nearest future. For security reasons MySQL has a major advantage compared to file storage. My existing CuteNews installation got hacked a couple of months ago, and as far as I can see, it can happen again. Further more, writing plug-ins and collecting data from MySQL will be easier, at least for my self, as my SQL knowledge reaches far, far beyond my PHP knowledge.

* Advanced categorizing. Ability to show all news, disregarding categories, i.e. on a front page.
Example: I have three categories, "1", "2" and "3" in my CuteNews installation. With ie.


> I want to show latest X news (or all) from both "1", "2" and "3".

* Built-in auto-archive (if wanted), i.e. per month. Enable / disable through the system configurations. Perhaps even selectable for each category.

* Ability to show X latest comments, even if the commented post is not displayed on the front page.

* Use a permalink feature to make shorter and more sexy URL's.

* Possibly a spam filter for the comment function.

* RSS support, not just only for 0.91. Perhaps even Atom? How about separating news and comments in two separate feeds?

* A search function?


2 (edited by 2004-10-21 20:45:52)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

1. SQL support...Don't think thats gonna happen sometime in the future.

2. Shouldnt the categories thing work anyway? just dont include the $category thing

3. can do latest comments on AJ-Fork

4. Permalink is easily done. [link]Permalink[/link]

5. Spam filter in options > system config ... Set time in seconds to when another comment can be made. (This is in AJ-Fork, not sure about cutenews 1.3.6)

6. Not sure about RSS...but it works in AJ-Fork tongue

7. Search works.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

4. Check out Friendly URLs (search in forums)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Good call smile .. Forgot about that bit.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

First of all, I want to say that among millions of other solutions out there, CuteNews is the best I've seen, by far! smile 

I still think it's a good idea to implement SQL-support. I know it's a dirty job to rewrite the entire core, but it would be a major lift for CuteNews. It's my intentions that the user is able to select either SQL or flat-file storage during the installation process. The option that's not selected during installation should not be installed either. When it comes to performance, this should not slow down the user experience afaik.

As for security, all configuration files (ie. MySQL config) could (and probably should) be placed outside the web-root, where they can only be reached by PHP. Unfortunately, I don't have enough experiece to discuss that single topic in details.

I might have been misleading in my original post. As I said, I have three categories, all numbered 1, 2 and 3. First, I make a post in category 1, then 2 and finally 3. The three posts will be showed on three different pages, but I also want a fourth page (ie. the main page) where I want to show the posts from both 1, 2 and 3. I know that it can be done by showing ie:

$category = "1";
$category = "2";
$category = "3";

The example above still shows the news index from the other categories, while showing the news for the selected category.

I have to admit that I've never tried the following:

$category = "2,3,5";

... wich is stated in the documentation.

--> Note to self: RTFM! :blink: 

In several ERP-environments (ie. SAP) there is a saying, "Don't change the vendors code". In other words, hacks, mods and add-ons are not necessarily for the better, but should (if possible) be delivered as a part of the standard CuteNews-code, with ability to switch the feature on an off in the system config. This ensures easier, faster and cheaper upgrades.

Latest comments
I find the way that CuteNews shows news, archives etc. very smart, by including files. I guess there's a simple way of doing the same with comments, ie.

$number_of_comments = "5";
$sort_order = "ascending"; // could be descending

I know this feature exists in AJ-Fork, but I still want it in standard CuteNews, regarding the earlier statement about the vendors code. smile 

Friendly URL's
I've seen the posts about friendly URL's, but as for the other wishes, I still believe that this should be a part of standard CuteNews.

Actually, I've only looked at the flood protection. A banned word-protection would be the ideal solution, made in standard CuteNews.

Most people I know, reads the news through the RSS-feed. Still I think there should be feeds for other formats than 0.91, and that there should be feeds for both news and comments.

Umm... Is there a search function in standard CuteNews? I've never seen it... :unsure: 

Just my two cents (or more like a million dollars to me). smile 

Best regards,

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

SQL support (and I think I speak for all the hackers here) will never be implemented. It's too much of a job, will bloat the core and goes against the main merit of cutenews: Flat files. An update on the methods cutenews uses for storing data in its flat files, on the other hand, is probably needed.

Auto Archives is implemented as a plugin by Thox for pfork and ajfork. Could ofcourse be done as a part of the core, but thing is, this bloats it with stuff people don't need - and increases sometimes already staggering server resource usage. Plugins, on the other hand, arent' parsed unless they're enabled through the plugin interface. Which means you could just ignore them if you don't use them. Even delete them to save space.

I dread the day I'll release 168 with friendly urls. I've tried making it as point and click-usable as possible, but with the thousands of different server setups out there (some of which won't be able to support this feature at all), We're looking at ENDLESS amounts of support requests for this plugin. Heck, even Will had problems with it initially.

Including this in vanilla is a sure-fire way to get the forums flooded tongue
Jeg kjører plugin her; http://appelsinjuice.org/2004/10/19/eirikmann

AJFork has a rss2-valid feed for news, and 168 will most likely ship with an RSS plugin that currently spits out one rss2-valid feed of news and one of comments. Configurable through Options -> RSS Options. Templates for each entry will be hardcoded so people don't get the chance to fsck it up and come whining here for support for something they managed to break.

I'm wholeheartedly against any form of censoring, so Word-banning features are probably best left for vanilla CN. I don't even like the flood protection much.

Latest comments was originally an addon for cutenews that I ripped into AjFork and improved a bit. I think it's still in the addon section on cutephp.com.

Check the example files for a demo of search.php usage included into a normal page.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Eruin wrote:

I dread the day I'll release 168 with friendly urls. I've tried making it as point and click-usable as possible, but with the thousands of different server setups out there (some of which won't be able to support this feature at all), We're looking at ENDLESS amounts of support requests for this plugin. Heck, even Will had problems with it initially.

This is one I can definitely vouch for.... when Eruin was first developing the Friendly URLS I had so many problems it was unbelievable, first with localhost then with server setups...he worked endlessly for it to work on my server config and localhost config which SHOULD be default for quite a few servers...but as the big guy said...we're going to be rushed off our feet with endless support questions.

I really don't want this released...this should only be for advanced users of cutenews and therefore specially adapted and a username/pass login page to download this tongue ... but since cutenews is evolving, and people keep asking, what can we do? tongue ... I'll tell you one thing...when its released, none of us admins are gonna get much sleep.

Eruin wrote:

SQL support (and I think I speak for all the hackers here) will never be implemented. It's too much of a job, will bloat the core and goes against the main merit of cutenews: Flat files. An update on the methods cutenews uses for storing data in its flat files, on the other hand, is probably needed.

No disrespect Martin, and I mean this as nicely as possible, but MYSQL would ruin the whole reason cutenews was developed.  Cutenews was developed as a simple flat-file news system and as stealtheye and eruin both commented: it would add useless bloat to the size of the actual download and ultimately, cutenews size.

How many news scripts do you see out there, as good as cutenews, and running flatfile? ... I think cutenews is a miracle at work.  No need to give the developers a big head but I've used this script for long enough now and even I find it a very flexible script that can be molded to be much more than a news management system smile

MYSQL would mean every plugin, every update, every fix would have to be duplicated.  Waste of time in my books smile - Sorry to shatter any of your dreams bud lol.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Glad we're on an understanding tongue ... still can't see cutenews going SQL though.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Well if it can be done....go for it, show us your works... if we like it we "Might" consider it... we'd like to see a working model and all the documentation of course smile - Hope it goes well for ya!

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Note to self: Will I ever remember to log in?

eruin,Oct 22 2004, 12:39 PM wrote:

Auto Archives is implemented as a plugin by Thox for pfork and ajfork. Could ofcourse be done as a part of the core, but thing is, this bloats it with stuff people don't need - and increases sometimes already staggering server resource usage. Plugins, on the other hand, arent' parsed unless they're enabled through the plugin interface. Which means you could just ignore them if you don't use them. Even delete them to save space.

Good point! Still I've had my share with poor plug-ins, not working for any reason. I know that some CMS offers separate modules, that the user may download if needed.

As stated earlier, I prefer using the vendors code, as he / they knows their own code best. At the same time, there is also a chance that modules will be maintained instead of being written once, and never bug-fixed ever after.

A thought for Flexer? smile

eruin,Oct 22 2004, 12:39 PM wrote:

I dread the day I'll release 168...

Seems like I need a peak at AJFork. How's the customization possibilities? I prefer customizing my pages through CSS.

Today, my template looks like this:

<div class="aktive_nyheter"> 
    <p class="aktive_nyheter_1">[full-link][b]{title}[/b][/full-link] postet {date} av {author}</p> 
    <p class="aktive_nyheter_2">{short-story}</p> 
    <p class="aktive_nyheter_3">[full-link]les resten[/full-link] :: [com-link] kommentarer[/com-link] :: ({comments-num})</p> 

In my CSS I use ie

div.aktive_nyheter { 
   border-top : 1px dashed silver; 

For me, this is a must! smile 

eruin,Oct 22 2004, 12:39 PM wrote:

I'm wholeheartedly against any form of censoring, so Word-banning features are probably best left for vanilla CN. I don't even like the flood protection much.

A lot of sites I know gets spammed every day with posts containing "\/iagr@" and similar posts. It's a dirty (speaking literally) job to remove unwanted posts.

eruin,Oct 22 2004, 12:39 PM wrote:

Latest comments was originally an addon for cutenews that I ripped into AjFork and improved a bit. I think it's still in the addon section on cutephp.com.

This is probably my most wanted feature. I've looked it up in the addon-section a while ago, but I couldn't make it work. Seems like I have to look at it again, and post for some help, if needed.  smile

Martin - still wondering WTF I'm doing in front of the screen saturday night :unsure:

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Wondering that myself ... lol

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

I don't _quite_ see the difference between plugins and modules. Plugins can also be maintained and distributed by anyone, and installing them is as simple as dropping them in your plugins directory - or even using the built-in plugin-updater in the admin interface if your server allows it wink

I think you'll find I've gone to great lengths to introduce css-customization / more semantic code for aj-fork tongue It's not perfect yet, but I've seen people do wicked things by editing the default skin css wink

I think you should drop the <p> around short story btw... any bocklevel elements like an image in there and your code is invalid ;P

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

eruin,Oct 22 2004, 02:39 PM wrote:

I dread the day I'll release 168...

BTW. I read at https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2212 that AJFork requires PHP 4.2.0 and 4.3.0 for future versions. A lot of ISP's out there (including my own) are using the latest Debian stable, wich uses PHP 4.1.2, afaik. I've got my own webserver, www.oppetid.no as well, but for the sake of others I guess it would be better off supporting PHP 4.1.2?

Wich features in AJFork requires features in later PHP versions, and wich features in PHP is this?

Martin - still forgetting to log in :blink: 

14 (edited by 2004-10-24 18:26:20)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

No, sorry, the plugin interface and new imagemanager needs atleast a non-ancient version of php. Can't let Debian hinder our progress like they hinder their own ;P - Debian sarge is about to become stable anyway, and that has 4.3.9. If your host doesn't upgrade to sarge when that time comes, I suggest you find a better host...

Many of the plugins are vendor-supplied (ie me), the rest are actively maintaned by others. Flexer has stated he doesn't want to implement plugin support, in the past, though that might have changed. Not sure what he's got planned, but I guess he's as short on time as I am.

As for the validation, I think I was thinking of <div>s, not images wink
all xhtml 1.1 tag-soup&#153;

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

eruin,Oct 24 2004, 08:24 PM wrote:

Many of the plugins are vendor-supplied (ie me), the rest are actively maintaned by others. Flexer has stated he doesn't want to implement plugin support, in the past, though that might have changed. Not sure what he's got planned, but I guess he's as short on time as I am.

Has there been released a release plan for future versions of CuteNews, or will we just have to wait and see? I think CuteNews is close to perfect, but as stated before, nothing's perfect. tongue

eruin,Oct 24 2004, 08:24 PM wrote:

As for the validation, I think I was thinking of <div>s, not images wink
all xhtml 1.1 tag-soup&#153;

As for my short story, you're right about them <p>'s and <div>'s inside them, but when will I ever do that?  wink
BTW. I'm not serving XTHML 1.1, as it should be served with "application/xhtml+xml", and as we all know, MSIE doen't support "application/xhtml+xml" yet... sad


Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

You could just as well use xhtml 1.1 - anything below that gets served as tag soup anyway ;P

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Steal the cutenews code and I'll eat your soul tongue

18 (edited by 2004-10-27 00:46:38)

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Haha.... I not scummy... I like clean code... i hate coping code from else where... unless its only a couple lines.

Ive been wanting to make one for sometime now... i have made simple ones for one user but thats it.

Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews

Good luck to you then my friend smile