sorry thats not what im looking for.
btw thanks for your help i really appriciate it, and for your time you guys are putting in. thank you
Funimations@ i am doing a website for a friendand im no webmaster i have some idea and im trying to put together a website for him for free. and he needs a graph to update constantly on the front page, i was thinking if there is a graph that takes values fro say.. a txt file or a form he could fill out to update the graph comparing two different sets of financial analysis reports or whatever he has in mind.
@tenohikari i want to make a few pages where my friend can update and edit news, its not actually going to be news on the other pages beside the main on but rather content of a few pages he could edit easily without fidelling with the ftp sever and looking at the code. i was hoping i could use it as a content manager because ive seen some free siple content managers but they are usually on another server and not the website server im using,