Topic: Help chaning the date lang


how can I change the LANG on the date?
instead of August it will day "אוגוסט"


Re: Help chaning the date lang

The date cam be formatted in the following way:
Enter into the template {month|January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,Novem
And substitute months' names for the necessary ones.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Help chaning the date lang

I cant find it in the template...
which file is it?

Re: Help chaning the date lang

The files of the templates are at  Options > Edit Templates. You need to enter the necessary template (Active News or Full story) into the line.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Help chaning the date lang

I still dont get it.. where to I put the {month|January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,Novem
ber,December} ?

Re: Help chaning the date lang

Write one by one the names of the months with commas.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Help chaning the date lang

Write one by one the names of the months with commas.

Unable to find it in the template. where this file is located?

Re: Help chaning the date lang

The files of the templates are at  Options > Edit Templates. You need to enter the necessary template (Active News or Full story) into the line.

thanks for your sharing !

Re: Help chaning the date lang

can you please explain it step by step?
I just dont get it...

Re: Help chaning the date lang

can you please explain it step by step?
I just dont get it...

Same here I also want its proper and step by step procedure so that I can try this.