Topic: Include from different sources

Hey guys,

I have a question. On my frontpage I wanna include out of two different cutenews sources. On the left side of the page I have included the most recent story, and some headlines below it. Both included from '../news'. On the right side of the page I want to include from a different cutenews source, but the page stops loading when he reaches this code.

The single page works fine, so there's nothing wrong with the code. But when I include it it doesn't work.

Any idea what's going wrong?


(I work with UTF-8 cutenews).

Re: Include from different sources


3 (edited by 2012-10-14 20:32:26)

Re: Include from different sources

I downloaded a new version to try something, but even when I do this he only shows the first one.



On other sites I do the same, with an older version, but it works fine there.

Re: Include from different sources

I hav a different problem. I put this code on my page


And it doesnt work. Path is surly correct. I see just credits like: Content Management Powered by CuteNews
But I cant see my news...

Re: Include from different sources

Does the new show on show_news.php? (You do already have news, right?)

A link to your site and your show_news.php would be helpful.

As to including CuteNews from two different folders, note that this has caused problems in the past. I don't know about CuteNews 1.5, though.

Re: Include from different sources

There are several reasons. Some of them are:
1. Wrong configuration of config.php in cutenews.
2. No data in news.txt or no access to data
3. Try to set $number = the number of news for output.

Best regards,
CN Support team

7 (edited by 2012-10-25 08:27:53)

Re: Include from different sources

Can't get it fixed. Even with clean new cutenews it doesn't work.

Another question:
Is it possible with multiple categories to do not:
$category = "3, 8" = all the news of 3, and all the news of 8.

$category = "3 if it´s also 8" = show only the news with category 3 if it´s also category 8? So only articles that are both 3 and 8.
