1 (edited by 2013-01-29 10:08:14)

Topic: Cannot find article with ID after URL mod rewrite


I have been able to implement the mod rewrite hack to get friendly URL at http://www.drinkmechai.co.uk/blog/blog.php

However, I have two other pages; http://www.drinkmechai.co.uk/index.php and http://www.drinkmechai.co.uk/media.php where I display five headlines - these do not translate the URL and I get "Cannot find article with ID errors.

I have tried to follow all the mod instructions including some of the extra bits others have tried but I can't get it to work on the above two pages. Can you help please?

I am about to upload index2.php and media2.php with some rework...

Re: Cannot find article with ID after URL mod rewrite

Please be precise about how you implement rewrite hack and the number of your version of CUtenews. Possibly, you have modified version of Cutenews UTF-8.
As for the second question, check if there is ID of the article in the database.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Cannot find article with ID after URL mod rewrite

Thanks for your quick response and apologies, always good to have the full info...

Yes UTF8 is the version registered and the mod is http://cvdtak.home.xs4all.nl/mod_rewrite2.txt

It all works just fine at http://www.drinkmechai.co.uk/blog/blog.php


From index.php and media.php and indeed from http://www.drinkmechai.co.uk/blog/blog.php?go=news - none of the URLS are quite right :-(

So, I think maybe the mod/hack is not suited to UTF8 version...?

Can I upgrade to the latest and a) will I retain all my news/blog data, https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif does it have friendly URL support?

Many thanks.

Re: Cannot find article with ID after URL mod rewrite

In case of transition on the latest version of Cutenews 1.5.x we'll help you set Friendly URLs but it will be a bit difficult as the code has changed in comparison with UTF-8. You should install the latest version and copy all data from data file to cdata and also from data/upimages, from /data/emoticons/ to /skins/emoticons/.
We advice you not to delete the data folder, all hacks will be deleted while installation of the new version.

Best regards,
CN Support team

5 (edited by 2013-01-30 00:23:37)

Re: Cannot find article with ID after URL mod rewrite

Understood, thanks very much. I'll be in touch...