Topic: Can not see or get up any News pagination
Well I've just installed the latest version of the CuteNews. And everything has gone really well. But I have seen that I have no news pagination tallest bottom of the page.
For example; << Previous 1 2 3 Next >>
I've tried to put six posts to the test to see if the news pagination would come up. And I've checked the "Options - System configurations" to see where there is any function that allows me to put on the news Pagination. But I can not find anything. What have I missed?
So if there is anyone who knows where I should do to get my news agination it would be worth gold.
Thank you very much in advance.
It fixed itself out of itself, I noticed. After the sixth post so did pagination popped up . So now everything is hunky-dory.
But thanks so much for your attention.