1 (edited by 2013-04-12 08:45:51)

Topic: Open full story in a new window


I'm using template Headlines and been trying to make the full story open in a new window when clicking on the headline. I've tried enabling it in options but it doesnt work. Wud be mighty kind if someone could help me out!

Thanks in advance

EDIT: I'm using version 1.5.3

Re: Open full story in a new window


I'm using template Headlines and been trying to make the full story open in a new window when clicking on the headline. I've tried enabling it in options but it doesnt work. Wud be mighty kind if someone could help me out!

Thanks in advance

Im looking for something like this:


Re: Open full story in a new window

I've managed to make the whole site open in a new window by using [link target=_blank][/link] now. The thing is tho i'd like it to be a popup which only show's the particular topic of news. Anyways wud be very kind if anyone cud help me out!


Re: Open full story in a new window

In the template headlines use  [full-link] instead of  [link]

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Open full story in a new window

In the template headlines use  [full-link] instead of  [link]

The thing is when i try that the script wont find the article. It do open in a small window, but the headline leads to a faulty adress.

It says:
Objektet hittas ej!

Den efterfrågade adressen hittades inte på denna server. Länken på den tidigare sidan verkar vara felaktig eller inaktuell. Vänligen informera författaren av sidan om felet.

Om du tror att detta beror på ett serverfel, vänligen kontakta webbansvarig.

Thanks for the response!

6 (edited by 2013-04-12 13:07:27)

Re: Open full story in a new window

Probably our spam filter blocks the IP This IP is local so can't be access via Internet.

Best regards,
CN Support team