Topic: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

I have a problem encoding special characters of UTF-8 (serbian latin, like: čćđš etc...) all i get are question marks, i'm using meta tag for utf-8 and utf-8 encoding in newssimple.

I can see serbian characters within page, but not in newssimple.

What might be a problem?

Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

What version are you using? Do you have a link to your website?;#disqus_thread
That's the link, as you can see, our marks are in question mark...

Version is 1.5.3.


Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

With IE9 I don't get any news shown there... Just the information that I do require a new FlashPlayer version. In FF it's working.

For your problem - it seems that you are using strange codes. I saved your website locally and inserted in the h1 tag the following symbols:

äöü ß ä Đđ Ä‘

And all characters are shown up correctly. I found some strange character html-entities, I don't know what character this one should be: &#65533.
How do you replace the characters? Try to change the CuteNews configuration option Don't convert UTF8 symbols to HTML entities to disabled and add another article with special characters.

You should also check the html conformity of your website, for example you are defining three times the <html> tag...

Silly me, i haven't seen 3 html tags, deleted 2 and now it's working.


4 (edited by 2014-08-24 11:51:45)

Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

I have the same problem only with comments (news are displayed correctly), it looks like

A few days ago I've upgraded from 1.4.6 to 2.0.2 and this is the only problem I have with the new version. This is acctually my second try to upgrade and configure things, first time I had other problems, but not this one. Both times on the same site. 

I hope, there is a solution for this problem and I don't have to try once more all from beginning.

In Settings : on my webpage and in CN : UTF-8
In General settings in CN I've tried all combinations: disable/enable Convert UTF8 symbols for comments, disable/enable pop up for comments etc, but it looks allways like on my image above.

Grateful for any help...

5 (edited by 2014-08-24 15:13:36)

Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

And now, I am not sure why, only comments in popup form display caracters uncorrectly like on my image above. When I post comments direct from the news page, it is all OK.
Is it possible that the changes I make in settings were not immediately displayed but after a time ago.
Slow server?

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem with PopUP caracters displaying?

Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

Dear skitnica,

Which encoding did you use in the comments in version 1.4.6? Did you indicate this encoding during migration?

Best regards,
CN Support team

7 (edited by 2014-08-26 10:55:52)

Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

Thanks for your respond.

I remember only I' ve done it for news. It was encoding Windows -1250/2 (The both 0 and 2 had good display in test)
Is there any way to do this  separately for comments?
However, untill the problem is solved, I gave up PUPUPs and caracters in comments are  OK.

Re: Problem with UTF-8 encoding

Thanks for your respond.

I remember only I' ve done it for news. It was encoding Windows -1250/2 (The both 0 and 2 had good display in test)
Is there any way to do this  separately for comments?
However, untill the problem is solved, I gave up PUPUPs and caracters in comments are  OK.

Please check what code your browser automatically identifies in the Pop-up window with comments. If it's not UTF-8, you need to check in Dashboard > Templates > Print whether there's the <meta> tag in the template, and if it's not there you need to add the <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> tag in the head template section.

If that won't help you can use another way. In the version 1.4 comments, as well as news, were kept in a separate file. You can encode the file to UTF-8 using third-party software and migrate the news to version 2.0.2 again. It might solve the problem with comments.
You will need to encode the following files: data/comments.txt, data/news.txt, data/postponded_news.txt, unapproved_news.txt.
Then you need to use UTF-8 when migrating. Before that you need to check whether the files were encoded successfully and characters are not corrupted.

Best regards,
CN Support team