Topic: 403 Forbidden Error Occurs When Posting News

When I copy and paste a rather large article to post news on UBritney.Com, the instant I hit the Post News Button, I receive the following error:


You don't have permission to access /news/index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Any idea as to why?  Even if I type the article word for word, I receive this error.  Is there a setting that if the news post is longer than "x amount of characters" it fails?

Re: 403 Forbidden Error Occurs When Posting News

Check the permissions on your news/index.php file.
The second line is telling you that you have not uploaded a custom error page with your own message to handle the first error.

Re: 403 Forbidden Error Occurs When Posting News

the permissions are 644 for news/index.php

is that what it should be?

Re: 403 Forbidden Error Occurs When Posting News

Now you need to look elsewhere for the problem.
Is this a new installation or has it suddenly given this error?
What have you changed on your server recently?
Check the .htaccess file or temporarily delete it.

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