1 (edited by 2013-11-20 13:31:05)

Topic: News not visible no error displayed


I have a well established website that has been working well. I now have an issue where I am posting news to a category that has been working OK. The problem is the operation completes with no error message but the page does not display the news.

Update: I usually have to copy news from Word documents and apart from text boxes and pictures cutenews will accept the pasted copy. In this issue there is a page of photos scanned onto a page I didn't notice it as it was added as the last page of the document. In fact I only found it because I decided to save as an HTML file.  I deleted that page and reposted the copy. Still no news visible. I next copied and pasted each page of the document and so far the news shows OK. I think now it is something to do with a table. So I'll try to post just the table into my Sandbox page and report back. I can post the table and the material after it in the Sandbox. It seems there is a problem with the length of the news. I usually use just the Short Story option, I am wondering now whether there is a limit to how much material is accepted? I have copied and pasted a similar news article four times and it posts ok, so it is not a story length issue. Incidentally the post was 44 screens!

The news that I have posted is not visible but the navigation to earlier documents in the same category is being updated. I now have two non-visible posts! To recap, I can post about half the news and also the second half of the news but not both parts together.

Update: I have tried to publish the document on another of my websites without success, so there is something wrong with the Word document. Last month I published a similar document with no issues. I have also published each page of the document as separate news to the other website, each page publishes OK! I was expecting to isolate something on a page that was causing the failure of Cutenews to display the news, no such luck https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif   I have also explained this issue on msofficeforums.com without makling much progress.

As I mentioned earlier, I have been publishing material by copying from Word documents since 2008 on the website. I simply Select All, Copy, and Paste. The only issues I have had are: text boxes don't work - so I just delecte them, images in the document won't copy - so I just upload them separately, and some tables often need setting to 95% width as they are ok for printing but not the web.

At present, unless I find out what is wrong with Cutenews being unable to publish news from a Microsoft Office standard DOC file I'll need to publish documents as PDF files instead which is not good practice for web publishing. Has anyone any ideas?

Update: I resaved the Word doc file from my email and then deleted the scan page and tried to republish the whole document as news (using a different computer). Same result nothing visible. Cutenews lists the news as a new article OK though. I then decided to view the source in the WSIWG editor, copy it to Notepad++ and then insert it in a new webpage. I did nothing just copied and pasted the code between the Body statements. It works fine! 

So why can't I publish the document using Cutenews? When I published the document as ten separate pages -as ten news items it works. Is selecting text etc using the mouse different to doing a Select All? That's all I can think of - there being something in the document which is picked up by a Select All but not with the mouse that the cutenews editor fails to display after it completes the Save.

I need someone to copy the word document and paste it into their test/sandbox page. This would at least isolate my computers and my installations of CuteNews 1.4.6 which are in use on two websites from the problem. Direct link to the Word document 



Cutenews 1.4.6 Visit My Website

Re: News not visible no error displayed


I have a well established website that has been working well. I now have an issue where I am posting news to a category that has been working OK. The problem is the operation completes with no error message but the page does not display the news.

Update: I usually have to copy news from Word documents and apart from text boxes and pictures cutenews will accept the pasted copy. In this issue there is a page of photos scanned onto a page I didn't notice it as it was added as the last page of the document. In fact I only found it because I decided to save as an HTML file.  I deleted that page and reposted the copy. Still no news visible. I next copied and pasted each page of the document and so far the news shows OK. I think now it is something to do with a table. So I'll try to post just the table into my Sandbox page and report back. I can post the table and the material after it in the Sandbox. It seems there is a problem with the length of the news. I usually use just the Short Story option, I am wondering now whether there is a limit to how much material is accepted? I have copied and pasted a similar news article four times and it posts ok, so it is not a story length issue. Incidentally the post was 44 screens!

The news that I have posted is not visible but the navigation to earlier documents in the same category is being updated. I now have two non-visible posts! To recap, I can post about half the news and also the second half of the news but not both parts together.

Update: I have tried to publish the document on another of my websites without success, so there is something wrong with the Word document. Last month I published a similar document with no issues. I have also published each page of the document as separate news to the other website, each page publishes OK! I was expecting to isolate something on a page that was causing the failure of Cutenews to display the news, no such luck https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif   I have also explained this issue on msofficeforums.com without makling much progress.

As I mentioned earlier, I have been publishing material by copying from Word documents since 2008 on the website. I simply Select All, Copy, and Paste. The only issues I have had are: text boxes don't work - so I just delecte them, images in the document won't copy - so I just upload them separately, and some tables often need setting to 95% width as they are ok for printing but not the web.

At present, unless I find out what is wrong with Cutenews being unable to publish news from a Microsoft Office standard DOC file I'll need to publish documents as PDF files instead which is not good practice for web publishing. Has anyone any ideas?

Update: I resaved the Word doc file from my email and then deleted the scan page and tried to republish the whole document as news (using a different computer). Same result nothing visible. Cutenews lists the news as a new article OK though. I then decided to view the source in the WSIWG editor, copy it to Notepad++ and then insert it in a new webpage. I did nothing just copied and pasted the code between the Body statements. It works fine! 

So why can't I publish the document using Cutenews? When I published the document as ten separate pages -as ten news items it works. Is selecting text etc using the mouse different to doing a Select All? That's all I can think of - there being something in the document which is picked up by a Select All but not with the mouse that the cutenews editor fails to display after it completes the Save.

I need someone to copy the word document and paste it into their test/sandbox page. This would at least isolate my computers and my installations of CuteNews 1.4.6 which are in use on two websites from the problem. Direct link to the Word document 



Cutenews 1.4.6 Visit My Website


I have posted the issue to a Microsoft forum: Microsoft forum

i don't think this is a CuteNews 1.4.6 problem I still think it is something different about the Word document. However, surely others who copy and paste from Word would be having a similar problem. As can be read  in the Microsoft post I have managed to add pages of the Word document by adding copy and paste to the same Cutenews post. Several pages post ok and then the next additional page results in the published post disappearing. So logically, there must be something in that page that is causing CuteNews to refuse to post.  No! I can publish the page separately! As for my computer I can still publish to the website OK. 

I have had no response from CuteNews support staff after posting a bug report, nothing https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif

Re: News not visible no error displayed

I need someone to copy the word document and paste it into their test/sandbox page. This would at least isolate my computers and my installations of CuteNews 1.4.6 which are in use on two websites from the problem. Direct link to the Word document

I have copied the page to a test posting on one of my websites. The page posts and displays with no problems whatsoever.

4 (edited by 2013-11-29 13:45:58)

Re: News not visible no error displayed

I have copied the page to a test posting on one of my websites. The page posts and displays with no problems whatsoever.

thanks Damoor,

I have retried to post the same file and it is has not appeared.  Have you any ideas for what I need to check now? Can I assume that you used Cutenews 1.4.6?


Re: News not visible no error displayed

thanks Damoor,

I have retried to post the same file and it is has not appeared.  Have you any ideas for what I need to check now? Can I assume that you used Cutenews 1.4.6?


I have tried to publish the Word document on another PC elsewhere without success, so the problem is not computer based. I have checked that the news is in the news file it is. If the issue is not MS Word and not Cutenews then it must be a server issue? 

Notes: I am still able to publish to the website. The approval of the November minutes at the forthcoming parish council meeting will provide an opportunity to see whether I can post to the website.

This is a long shot, intitially I had tried to post the miinutes with out realising that they contained a page of scanned photos, that post failed. did it affect the server in some way? My websites are hosted on Windows by Fasthosts.

Re: News not visible no error displayed

Yes it could be a problem with your cutenews installation. Have you modified it in any way?
Can't you upgrade it to the latest version ?

7 (edited by 2013-12-04 16:29:40)

Re: News not visible no error displayed

Yes it could be a problem with your cutenews installation. Have you modified it in any way?
Can't you upgrade it to the latest version ?

thanks Damoor, I have not modified the installation. Yesterday the November minutes for the parish council were approved for publication. I was unable to publish them.

I don't think there is anything wrong with CuteNews 1.4.6. Consider this argument: I have copied September minutes 2013 to the October minutes category and also to the November category. They both copy properly. Therefore, both the October and November minutes Word files have content that is not acceptable to CuteNews or to the server.

Are you sure you managed to publish the October minutes using 1.4.6 rather than an upgrade?  If so the only difference is that of my use of Fasthosts servers, assuming you are not. There is another fact that could have caused trouble, the October minutes contained at the end of the document a page of scanned photos which increased the size of the document to over 5MB that page was removed by deleting it from the document. Unfortunately, the parish clerk forgot to remove the scanned photos from the November minutes! However, the scanned photos were removed and the posts can still not be published/displayed.  It is as if something has been recorded in CuteNews or on the server in relation to the October category and now the November category. I have just tried publishing the October minutes to the September category they do not publish. So it really seems that the Microsoft Word file is the problem.

I could roll back CuteNews to the last backup - there are five posts that I would need to copy and repost if the backup resolved the issue. But then I suppose I should contact Fasthosts first.

8 (edited by 2013-12-07 16:46:47)

Re: News not visible no error displayed

thanks Damoor, I have not modified the installation. Yesterday the November minutes for the parish council were approved for publication. I was unable to publish them.

I don't think there is anything wrong with CuteNews 1.4.6. Consider this argument: I have copied September minutes 2013 to the October minutes category and also to the November category. They both copy properly. Therefore, both the October and November minutes Word files have content that is not acceptable to CuteNews or to the server.

Are you sure you managed to publish the October minutes using 1.4.6 rather than an upgrade?  If so the only difference is that of my use of Fasthosts servers, assuming you are not. There is another fact that could have caused trouble, the October minutes contained at the end of the document a page of scanned photos which increased the size of the document to over 5MB that page was removed by deleting it from the document. Unfortunately, the parish clerk forgot to remove the scanned photos from the November minutes! However, the scanned photos were removed and the posts can still not be published/displayed.  It is as if something has been recorded in CuteNews or on the server in relation to the October category and now the November category. I have just tried publishing the October minutes to the September category they do not publish. So it really seems that the Microsoft Word file is the problem.

I could roll back CuteNews to the last backup - there are five posts that I would need to copy and repost if the backup resolved the issue. But then I suppose I should contact Fasthosts first.

I have contacted my host Fasthosts and they have been very helpful. Using my user account they have managed to add the October minutes. Rather than using Microsoft Word they used an Open Office client. Here is part of the feedback from Fasthosts support: In this instance, it is hard for us to say what the cause of the issue as we were unable to replicate the fault and the issue is in relation to third party software that is technically beyond support for us to look into.  I can say that there is no difference from a security stand-point from when you attempted uploading the content and when I did.  The only difference is the physical proximity to the server which would make no difference as my connection is still limited to the same server restrictions and settings that you face.

From what you describe, the issue would appear to be relate to the source document in use as you have made other successful uploads.  It must be pointed out that when I opened the file and upload the content, I did so using an OpenOffice client and not a Microsoft client (such as Word).  There is the possibility that by using a different client, I inadvertently avoided the source of the problem and uploaded without issue.  However, I cannot ensure this was the case.

I can only suspect that that given you have uploaded successfully other minutes, the local copy of the document content is somehow blocked or incompatible with the CuteNews facility.  I cannot say nor investigate to confirm this fact, but I would add that were it me, I would not re-install the software and proceed as per usual with later uploads ensuring that you retain the tried-and-tested formatting for the document to avoid this happening again.

I have tried to add the November minutes, which also had a scanned page of photos, that were not supposed to be in the minutes!!! I have also publsihed the December minutes without any issues - they have been removed as they neeed to be approved by the parish council before publication.  Note that Fasthosts used my account and website to publish the October minutes.

I have now tried to publish the November minutes (using both LibreOffice and OpenOffice rather than MS Word as the source data) I have been partly successful but at some point the news disappears. I have deleted some of the story- the most recent addition-  and it is now visible.  I do not get any error messages from CuteNews.

I am now concentrating on the length of the news story. The first malfunction posting to the website occured after I has tried, but accidently, to publish an article by copy and paste from a Microsoft Word .Doc file that contained a scanned page of photos -an image. I have no idea what the possible consequences of trying to add an image via the WSIWYG editor are. BUT what would be useful is an answer to this question: is there a limit to the size of a CuteNews Short Story? I only use the Short Story.

Re: News not visible no error displayed

I cannot find a logical reason for the problem in your host's explanation however word is notorious for embedding hidden code into it's files. I would suggest that you convert the file to plain text before uploading. You can then format it to your liking within cutenews, add graphics etc.  If it was my website I would convert the word file to PDF and upload it. Then I would add a news item to cutenews with a link to the PDF file. Any browser could then display it when the visitor clicks on the link.

10 (edited by 2013-12-07 21:24:51)

Re: News not visible no error displayed

I cannot find a logical reason for the problem in your host's explanation however word is notorious for embedding hidden code into it's files. I would suggest that you convert the file to plain text before uploading. You can then format it to your liking within cutenews, add graphics etc.  If it was my website I would convert the word file to PDF and upload it. Then I would add a news item to cutenews with a link to the PDF file. Any browser could then display it when the visitor clicks on the link.

Thanks Damoor, I can't find any logical reason as to why I am having trouble with these additions to the website.  I cannot remember whether the trouble started with the installation of PHP 5 by the host. I have been publishing similar articles on the website since 2008 without any issues.  It is usually a simple matter to copy and paste the minutes. The size of the minutes has remained at 300Kb or less since 2008 so there should be no reason relative to the size of the file to be posted except that when I tried to publish the October and November minutes there was a scanned page of photos that increased the size of the posts to over 5MB each. I have posted the December minutes - but had to remove them as they are not cleared for publication till January 2014. So we have: September ok, October not ok, November not ok, December ok. I removed the scanned page from both the October and November Word documents and tried to republish them without success.  I have published most of the November minutes by copying and pasting sections of the minutes, saving and checking and then adding some more.  The post failed on adding one of the tables. I deleted that table from the post and and re-saved it successfully.  I can publish the table separately so there is nothing in the table to hinder publication.

I have three hundred line documents to post including tabled information and list items. If I converted the documents to plain text  I would have to recreate the tables etc which would cost the client hundred of pounds a year. That is clearly not an option. According to Jacob Nielson in his article Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design PDF files for online reading comes second from the worst. I designed the parish council website making use of CuteNews to provide the user with easy accesss to the minutes. This has worked month after month, year after year since 2008 without any issues  https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

Whether there is something in the most recent Microsoft update or not seems irrelevant as I have managed to publish the December minutes.

I do not know whether if I upgraded to the latest version of CuteNews this issue would be resolved and what problems would arise. What does seem to be the issue is the attempt to post to CuteNews a post containing a large image. I cannot see any other factor and would invite anyone else to suggest otherwise.

Re: News not visible no error displayed

Why not try installing a new cutenews installation of 1.5 or 2.0 just as a test.
Both  have Ckeditor as standard. This can handle your word files. I have tested it with the file you linked to. If it works on your server then upgrade your installation or add ckeditor to 1.4.6 I have explained in another thread how to do this.

Re: News not visible no error displayed

Why not try installing a new cutenews installation of 1.5 or 2.0 just as a test.
Both  have Ckeditor as standard. This can handle your word files. I have tested it with the file you linked to. If it works on your server then upgrade your installation or add ckeditor to 1.4.6 I have explained in another thread how to do this.

Thanks Damoor worth thinking about.

Re: News not visible no error displayed


I have posted the issue to a Microsoft forum: Microsoft forum

i don't think this is a CuteNews 1.4.6 problem I still think it is something different about the Word document. However, surely others who copy and paste from Word would be having a similar problem. As can be read  in the Microsoft post I have managed to add pages of the Word document by adding copy and paste to the same Cutenews post. Several pages post ok and then the next additional page results in the published post disappearing. So logically, there must be something in that page that is causing CuteNews to refuse to post.  No! I can publish the page separately! As for my computer I can still publish to the website OK. 

I have had no response from CuteNews support staff after posting a bug report, nothing https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif

I have copied the page to a test posting on one of my websites. The page posts and displays with no problems whatsoever.

14 (edited by 2014-01-09 12:26:35)

Re: News not visible no error displayed

moved this post to other topic since i guess it was not ok to be here https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif sorry