Topic: CN 2.0 Ckeditor MediaManager
i want use the FileBrowser: Elfinder to inport Pictures in Ckeditor.
How can include an other MediaManger in CN 2.0?
In CN 1.5.3:
skin -> base_skin ->addnews -> index_cke.tpl
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CutePHP Forums → Problem Solving / Help & Support → CN 2.0 Ckeditor MediaManager
i want use the FileBrowser: Elfinder to inport Pictures in Ckeditor.
How can include an other MediaManger in CN 2.0?
In CN 1.5.3:
skin -> base_skin ->addnews -> index_cke.tpl
Please use the code of the CKFinder plug-in from the website to enable elFinder:
1. Create a plug-in folder in the cdata/plugins/elfinder.php folder with the following content:
add_hook('settings/CKEDITOR_filemanager', 'add_ckfinder_to_cke');
function add_ckfinder_to_cke($add_opt)
$http_dir = trim(getoption('http_script_dir'));
if (substr($http_dir, -1, 1) == '/') $http_dir = substr($http_dir, 0, -1);
$add_opt['filebrowserBrowseUrl'] = $http_dir . "/ckfinder/ckfinder.html";
$add_opt['filebrowserImageBrowseUrl'] = $http_dir . "/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Images";
$add_opt['filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl'] = $http_dir . "/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Flash";
$add_opt['filebrowserUploadUrl'] = $http_dir . "/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files";
$add_opt['filebrowserImageUploadUrl'] = $http_dir . "/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files";
$add_opt['filebrowserFlashUploadUrl'] = $http_dir . "/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash";
return $add_opt;
2 Replace paths in $add_opt with the required ones (paths to the elFinder files, please use the following guide: .
CutePHP Forums → Problem Solving / Help & Support → CN 2.0 Ckeditor MediaManager
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