Topic: php include archive issue

Hi there, I am brand new to CuteNews but already very impressed. I have been attempting to display archived news on my left hand side menu but so far I have been unsuccessful.

I have used this code but it will still not display on my site, the path is correct as it is the same one I have used to display the news itself.


any help would be appreciated.

Re: php include archive issue

show_archives.php is deprecated, use show_news.php instead with $archive parameter.
$archive is archive_id, you can get it from url in dashboard.

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: php include archive issue

Thanks for the response and sorry for the reply, by changing it to show news instead of archive all I have is the news articles showing in my menu and no archive system. is there something else that I have missed?

lastly I do not understand what it means by depreciated?

sorry again as I am quite new to PHP

Re: php include archive issue

Scrap that, I finally figured it out! thank you for your help.