Topic: List all titles
list all categories:
$categoryes = cn_get_categories();
how can i list all titles of an category?
greetings john
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CutePHP Forums → Problem Solving / Help & Support → List all titles
list all categories:
$categoryes = cn_get_categories();
how can i list all titles of an category?
greetings john
list all categories:
include("core/init.php"); $categoryes = cn_get_categories();
how can i list all titles of an category?
greetings john
Nobody now how list all titles?
I need it to create an dynamic navigation:
Do you want to display the news titles within categories?
Do you want to display the news titles within categories?
Yes, to create the page navigation: Category -> News title / page_alias
Yes, to create the page navigation: Category -> News title / page_alias
Nobody now how to list the categories / page_alias ?
Nobody now how to list the categories / page_alias ?
include ('cutenews/cn/trunk/core/init.php');
foreach($categoryes as $id=>$cat)
echo $cat['name'].'<br/>';
print_r(cn_get_news(array('cfilter' => array($id))));
echo '<br/>';
You can see more options for filtering news in includes/active_news.php
Hello Support_Team,
To create a navigation i use this code:
include ('cutenews/core/init.php');
foreach($categoryes as $id=>$cat) {echo " * [url=?cat=$cat[name]]".$cat[name]."[/url]
$news = cn_get_news( array( 'cfilter' => array( $id ) ) );
foreach( $news[0] as $nid => $n ) {echo " * [url=$cat[name]&page=$n[pg]]".$n['pg']."[/url]
But the news cant be showed,
maybe the code produces a conflict?What must i change?
Hello Support_Team,
To create a navigation i use this code:
But the news cant be showed,
maybe the code produces a conflict?What must i change?
You have some syntax errors in code.
Use this correct code:
echo ' * [url=]".$n['pg']."[/url]
You have some syntax errors in code.
Use this correct code:echo ' * [url=]".$n['pg']."[/url] ';
The categories are listed :-)
but a new error message: Cannot find an article with ID: 9
Is there an article with ID 9 in the list of your articles?
For a better understanding of the process of correcting errors in PHP-code, please read about the process of code debugging on the Internet.
Is there an article with ID 9 in the list of your articles?
For a better understanding of the process of correcting errors in PHP-code, please read about the process of code debugging on the Internet.
No i can`t found a news with id=9, there have now other error output.
include ('cutenews/core/init.php');
foreach($categoryes as $id=>$cat) {
echo " * [url=?category=$cat[name]]".$cat[name]."[/url]
#Navigation and subnavigation
with this code all categories and titles are listed:
include ('cutenews/core/init.php');
foreach($categoryes as $id=>$cat) {
echo " * [url=?kategorie=$cat[name]]".$cat[name]."[/url]
$news = cn_get_news( array( 'cfilter' => array( $id ) ) );
foreach( $news[0] as $nid => $n ) {
echo " * [url=$cat[name]&seite=$n[pg]]".$n['pg']."[/url]
How create an navigation and subnavigation with nested categories?
CutePHP Forums → Problem Solving / Help & Support → List all titles
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