Topic: Problem installing -- URL path incorrect

I've installed Cutephp on my host server (Apache running PHP 5.3) in a subfolder of my directory, as follows:

Note the tilde (~) in the path. I got to the screen that checks to see of all folders that need to be writable are -- all good. I filled in my username and password, then submitted. I was then showed the Congratulations and Get Started screen. CLICK. Now, here's the problem. Cuephp wants to remove the tilde from the URL of the site, and so I get a server error:

"The requested URL /myusername/ was not found on this server."

Notice the tilde is missing. I'm stuck. What to do?

Re: Problem installing -- URL path incorrect

Try after login to go to / ~ myusername / - this should work

Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Problem installing -- URL path incorrect

With the tilde I'm getting a blank page. The source code simply shows an empty <html> page. So the php scripts in my CutePHP folder are simply not running on my server. I don't get it. I tested it with other simple php scripts and there's no problem. Is there some specific requirement for running CutePHP on an Apache server that I'm not familiar with?