Topic: Automatic replace a word when posting a news?

How can I make it, so Cutenews replaces a word in my posts to another word? For example if im writing "Hi" in my blogpost, i want it to be replaced with "Hello"?

Re: Automatic replace a word when posting a news?

How can I make it, so Cutenews replaces a word in my posts to another word? For example if im writing "Hi" in my blogpost, i want it to be replaced with "Hello"?

Dear User!

Please try in
functin replace_news(....)

to make compliance with the replacement of words in the array $find

to the

$replace, for example, add to $find "Hi", and to $replace "Hello"

/* 16 */                "'\[list\]'i",
/* 17 */                "'\[/list\]'i",
/* 18 */                "'\[\*\]'i",

        "~Hi~i", // Here  ~ and i are required


/* 18 */                                "<li>",


Best regards,
CN Support team

Re: Automatic replace a word when posting a news?

Dear User!

Please try in
functin replace_news(....)

to make compliance with the replacement of words in the array $find

to the

$replace, for example, add to $find "Hi", and to $replace "Hello"

/* 16 */                "'\[list\]'i",
/* 17 */                "'\[/list\]'i",
/* 18 */                "'\[\*\]'i",

        "~Hi~i", // Here  ~ and i are required


/* 18 */                                "<li>",


Thanks alot! Great support!

Re: Automatic replace a word when posting a news?

Can't you just use Ctrl + H? I though it is the same combination for most of the text programs. Anyway, I would rather worried about the proofreading. Here is a link to do it quickly Mistakes are like a snowball rolling down the mountain. Its target is your reputation.

Re: Automatic replace a word when posting a news?

if you've got some problems with your writings will help you