Topic: Additional fiels - Checkbox

How can I change the "checkbox" (created with additional fields) from Y to eks. YES ?

Re: Additional fiels - Checkbox

In templates, it is possible to use such redirects as [if {my_checkbox_name}]Yes[/ if], instead of {my_checkbox_name}.

In this case, Y will be redirected to Yes.

Best regards,
CN Support team

3 (edited by TravisWalker 2020-08-09 11:58:35)

Re: Additional fiels - Checkbox

Walgreens Listens

Support_Team wrote:

In templates, it is possible to use such redirects as [if {my_checkbox_name}]Yes[/ if], instead of {my_checkbox_name}.

In this case, Y will be redirected to Yes.

Happy to hear that! Your comment made mine.

4 (edited by a.lisau.xbpn53 2022-11-09 09:41:40)

Re: Additional fiels - Checkbox

Thanks for sharing that.