Topic: [HACK] user display system
Name: User display system
Author: NyNe
CuteNews Compatibility: 1.3.6 - * (no incompatibility reported yet)
Description: makes a list of your registered users to show on your site.
you can now choose the order to display the fields
you also now set which fields to hide from within the file rather than in the include
you now also can set the date format in the file
show_users.php > create in cutenews directory
// Order Start
// put them in whatever order you want
// u = usernames
// n = nicknames
// r = registration dates
// a = avatar links
// p = post counts
// l = access levels
// e = emails
// NOTE: these must ALL be set, even if you want them hidden, hide them below
$display1 = "u";
$display2 = "n";
$display3 = "r";
$display4 = "a";
$display5 = "p";
$display6 = "l";
$display7 = "e";
// Order End
// Hiding Start
// add the letters from above to hide them
// ex: $user_flags = "np"; hides nickname and posts
$user_flags = "";
// Hiding End
// Date Format Start
// this is the format to display when users joined
// if you dont know what it is look for the date function on
// or just leave it alone...
$date_format = "F, d Y @ H:i a";
// Date Format End
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$cutepath = __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'\\\show_users\.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/show_users\.php'", "", $cutepath);
$user_query = cute_query_string($QUERY_STRING, array( "sortus","sortad"));
if(isset($bgcolor) && $bgcolor != ""){ $bg = "bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\""; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "u")) { $u = "<td $bg> [u]Username[/u]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "n")) { $n = "<td $bg> [u]Nickname[/u]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "r")) { $r = "<td $bg> [u]Registration Date[/u]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "a")) { $a = "<td $bg> [u]Avatar[/u]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "p")) { $p = "<td $bg> [u]Posts[/u]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "l")) { $l = "<td $bg> [u]Access Level[/u]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "e")) { $e = "<td $bg> [u]EMail[/u]"; }
echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 ><tr>";
echo $$display1.$$display2.$$display3.$$display4.$$display5.$$display6.$$display7;
echo "</tr>";
$all_users = file("$cutepath/data/users.db.php");
// Sort users v1.0 - Start addblock
if (!isset($sortus)) { $sortus="0"; } if (!isset($sortad)) { $sortad="a"; }
if (isset($sortus)) {
if (!function_exists('sortcmp')) {
function sortcmp($a, $b) {
global $all_users, $sortus;
$users_a = explode('|', $all_users[$a]);
$users_b = explode('|', $all_users[$b]);
return strnatcasecmp($users_a[$sortus], $users_b[$sortus]);
uksort($all_users, 'sortcmp');
if ($sortad=="d") { $all_users = array_reverse($all_users); }
// Sort users v1.0 - End addblock
$i = 1;
foreach($all_users as $user_line)
$i++; $bg = "";
if($i%2 == 0 && isset($bgcolor) && $bgcolor != ""){ $bg = "bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\""; }
$user_arr = explode("|", $user_line);
if(isset($user_arr[9]) and $user_arr[9] != ''){ $last_login = date('r',$user_arr[9]); }
else{ $last_login = 'never'; }
if($user_arr[7]=="0"){$user_email = "[url=ailto:$user_arr[5]>[send mail]</a>] else{$user_email = "[hidden]";}
if($user_arr[8]!=""){$user_av = "<a href=$user_arr[8]>[click][/url]";}
else{$user_av = "[none]";}
$user_joined = date($date_format,$user_arr[0]);
case 1: $user_level = "administrator"; break;
case 2: $user_level = "editor"; break;
case 3: $user_level = "journalist"; break;
case 4: $user_level = "commenter"; break;
case 5: $user_level = "banned"; break;
if(!stristr($user_flags, "u")) { $u = "<td> $user_arr[2]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "n")) { $n = "<td> $user_arr[4]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "r")) { $r = "<td> $user_joined"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "a")) { $a = "<td> $user_av"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "p")) { $p = "<td> $user_arr[6]"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "l")) { $l = "<td> $user_level"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "e")) { $e = "<td> $user_email"; }
echo "<tr $bg title='$user_arr[2]'s last login was on: $last_login'>";
echo $$display1.$$display2.$$display3.$$display4.$$display5.$$display6.$$display7;
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tr></table><form method=post action=\"$PHP_SELF?$user_query\" ><select name=sortus >";
if(!stristr($user_flags, "u")) { echo"<option value=2 "; if($_POST['sortus']=="2"){echo "selected";} echo " >Username</option>"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "n")) { echo"<option value=4 "; if($_POST['sortus']=="4"){echo "selected";} echo " >Nickname</option>"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "r")) { echo"<option value=0 "; if($_POST['sortus']=="0"){echo "selected";} echo " >Registration Date</option>"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "p")) { echo"<option value=6 "; if($_POST['sortus']=="6"){echo "selected";} echo " >Posts</option>"; }
if(!stristr($user_flags, "l")) { echo"<option value=1 "; if($_POST['sortus']=="1"){echo "selected";} echo " >Access Level</option>"; }
echo "</select>
<select name=sortad >
<option value=d "; if($_POST['sortad']=="d"){echo "selected";} echo " >Descending Order</option>
<option value=a "; if($_POST['sortad']=="a"){echo "selected";} echo " >Ascending Order</option>
<input type=submit value=Sort >
just include the file in whatever page you want
to set an alternating row background color use $bgcolor="#COLOR"; when including the file
<? $bgcolor="#f7f7f7"; include("cutenews/show_users.php"); ?>
this makes the alternating bgcolor #f7f7f7